Train to NewYork

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Yn pov

As me and Trent sat on the train preparing for our three day trip. To New York. He layed his head down on my lap. As the train passed through the city street lights preparing to disappear. Til we were in the dark of the dim train cartin lights. I fell asleep with Trent still laying on my lap. From time to time my phone kept flashing and ringing. But I put it on silent to ignore them all.

When we woke up the next morning. We went over to the dinning cart for breakfast. I looked at my phone to see bunches of textes. So I began to read them.

Ray : So you left I'm gonna miss you yn.

Yn : Yep but you can visit me and only you. Just know you never talked to me.

Ray : Alright stay strong.

Yn : I will.

Next I read the text messages from Roc.

Roc : So think you just gonna leave and take me my son with you.

Yn : Well I am the one who carried him for nine months.

Roc : Come on yn that's my son to. He needs me.

Yn : Yeah your right but you wasn't think about that when you fucked that bitch. Plus I don't even want my son around that bull shit.

Roc : You right but again he's our son and what you mean bull shit it wasn't bull shit when you joined.

Yn : Drama , vilonce , gangs , guns that's what I don't want him around. Weither you think about it or not we both had some fucked up childhoods. And i want something different for him. Just know I'm done.

I turned off my phone and put it inside my purse.

Trent : Mommy to okay.

Yn : Yeah baby just eat your pancakes.

Trent : Okay. When the next time we'll see daddy?

Yn : When daddy grow up to realize what's important but don't worry about that just eat your pancakes.

Trent : How old is daddy?

Yn : 25

Trent : How old are you mommy ?

Yn : 24 turning 25.

Trent : That's a big number.

Yn : lol

After we were done eatting. We fixed up and watch out the window. I did my best to keep Trent entertain. We watch videos and played games on my phone.

When the next stop came to Virgina. Man looked to be in his 20s came on the cart and sat in the seat across from us.

??? : So lil man is that your big sister.

Trent : No that's my mommy.

Yn : Here Trent its your turn. * passed him my phone * I'm his mom.

??? : Trent that's a nice name. My name is Anthony by the way.

Yn : Yn

Anthony : That's a beautiful name.

Yn : Thanks.

Anthony : So where you from.

Yn : Miami, Florida you.

Anthony : Richmond, Virgina. So is it nice in miami.

Yn : Yeah it depends on where you go.

Anthony : That's sounds like every area. It has its good and bad.

Yn : Yeah.

Anthony : So where you off to.

Yn : New York

Anthony : Same here. Your visiting.

Yn : No I'm moving there.

Anthony : Oh I live there.

Yn : Foreal.

Anthony : Yeah I can show you and your son around if you want.

Yn : Yeah that would be nice.

I looked down at my hand and sneakly put my wedding rings into my pocket.

Me , Anthony and Trent spunt the rest of the train ride talking and laughing getting to know each other. He really cool and funny. Plus Trent likes him.

When we made it to the train station. We went to get our lugauge.

Anthony : Wait I can drop you guys off if you want.

Yn : Sure.

He drove over to our apartment and helped us put our bags inside.

Yn : Thankyou you were a lot of help.

Anthony : Your welcome. If you need any thing I'm not to far. You can just call me.

Yn : Okay but I don't have your number.

We exchange phones.

Anthony : Here you go.

Yn : Thanks.

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