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Today was just a regular day for black mafia we did what we always do selling crack, dope, heroin, meth, molly, extasy and cocanie.

Some of the girls came up to me telling me that a girl name Imani want tok join so we had an inshiation. Some of the girls jumped and beat her. Hey its a price to be in this gang we all had to do it.

Imani pov

Well hi I'm Imani. I'm a new member to black mafia. I wanted to join cause I heard some of my girls talk about it and it might seem cool. So

Im 5'4 Im thick medium length hair caramel skin complexion. In high school I use to fit in but something happened and my populartiy bumped down.

Some of the girls told me about the gang and that some girl name Yn was gonna show me around.

Yn : So your Imani.

Imani : Yeah that's me.

Yn : Well let's get one thing straight. I'm head bitch. You do what ever the fuck I tell you ight.

Imani : And what if I don't its not like I gotta listen to you.

Yn : Well if you don't I'll take really good care of you ass no problem to me at all. Another thing you always pay for the money you owe or I'll take care of your ass. You better ask Marcus.

Iman : Who is he.

Yn : Exactly.

Imani : Who is that guy over there with the small curls in his hair. A nigga is lookin fine.

Yn : That's the drug lord the head of black mafia and my boyfriend and if you get any where close to him I'll beat your ass so bad your won't even think about his name.

Imani : Okay.

Yn : Another thing you ain't gon be no lazy ass bitch you gotta hustle to make my money either your ass is on a pole, spearding those leggs or selling. I don't care you gon make my money one way or another.

Imani : Alright.

Yn : Since you got everything straight jist know I run this shit. Black Mafia isn't a gang its a buisness.

Roc pov

Today I went by the supplers they told me they made a new drug that gets you higher then weed and extasy in one pill. We named it voyage. I had some guys to sell it for me in south beach and in the clubs.

Yn walked in the room.

Roc : What's sup baby.

Yn : Nothing daddy what y'all got there.

Roc : Its a drug called voyage.

Yn : Voyage

Roc : Yeah it will take you on a trip wanna try it.

Yn : I don't know.

Roc : Come on.

Yn : How many people took this drug what's the side effects.

Rob : It just take you on a trip

Rob was one of the supplers he was one smart white kid but he was more into science and drugs then school so we accepted him in.

Yn : So you tried it.

Rob : Yeah well I did help make it.

Roc : Its a mix of weed and extasy.

Rob : So have you smoked weed.

Yn : Yeah

Rob : Extasy

Yn : Yeah

Rod : Its just like smoking weed and popping extasy but n one pill.

Yn : Nice

Roc : Are you convinced

Yn : Yeah

He gave me the pill and I put it in my purse.

Roc : Why not now.

Yn : I do gotta drive to the club.

Roc : Oh ight

Yn : See you later daddy.

Roc : Alright later baby

Yn pov

I gave him a kiss then drove off to the club.

Yn : What up Honey

Honey : Nothing baby you performing tonight.

Yn : No

Honey : Oh you ain't trynna get some money.

Yn : You know I'm up for some money any time.

I went inside my pruse and took out the pill.

Hoeny : What's that

Yn : A new drug black mafia made called voyage I'm scared to try it.

Honey : Then let me try it

Yn : Okay I take one and you take one.

We both took the pill all of a sudden I felt so werid and I didn't know what was going on I was in a fantasy world and hour our so the crazy fantasy was over. I was on top of the dressing room couner making out with Honey. I was kinda into it til I realized it I pull away and fixed up. I looked to the side to see some of the girls recording and video taping.

Ellin : Oh I'm gonna tell Roc.

Yn : I don't give a damn he gon wanna join in any ways.

Ellin : So you Bi now.

Yn : You don't need to know what i am just know to have my money.

I walked out of the club and went home. Trust me those bitches can't scare or rule over me. I'm the head bitch and will alway be.

I walked to my car and drove home.

Roc : I saw the video you know what happened.

Yn : Your drug that's what happened.

Roc : I never knew your was Bi next time can you invite your girlfriend to.

Yn : *lol* I'm not bi daddy and no I own that.

Roc : Then just one time.

Yn : No Rocy

Roc : Oh well I'm gon just watched the video again now you know what I want for my birthday.

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