What have they done to you...

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"You don't have to do this... Jeungri..." She says with a smooth, milky voice.

"Of course I do.  After all, we did agree to do this in order to construct an alliance, ne?" I spoke, trying to hide the fact that I just met her and I already cared so much about her.  I tried to brush it off.  I tried.

Suzuka nods, and we agree to come back for another meeting to decide our actions and behavior.

I've already decided myself to treat the villagers of Lazuli like garbage.

"So what was the decision you two came to?" Jasper asks me as I head to my room.

"None of your business, Commander."

Suddenly I feel the skin on my back being torn, cut.


Jasper hit me with his axe.

Somehow I offended him, therefore he felt the need to punish me.

I fell to my knees.


I took a deep breath as I felt the cold air hit my wound.

He knows I can heal it.

He knows I will.

Instantly and painlessly, I heal my large gash, stretching and straightening my torso.

The wound still stung, even while it was healed.

Jasper stands, looking at me, waiting for me to either surrender or fight back, but I don't.

I smile, I laugh.

He can get away with this now, but not tomorrow.

Tomorrow was coronation, and then I'll be king.

Then Jasper will be sorry for everything he's ever done to me.


I lay in my soft bed yet again, deep in thought.

What would my mother think if she saw this?

Would Jasper act the same if my mother were here?

None of these questions have I had answers for.

Now I had something fresh on my mind, somebody to displace the grim thoughts on my mother's sudden disappearance, I couldn't believe she was dead.


The simple thought of her name made me smile, we had just met but it felt like we had met before.

Maybe we have.

It seems silly for the son of a war goddess to say, but around her I felt butterflies.

I really need to re-gain my masculinity.

Turning on my side, my back stung like hell.

I ran my fingers through my knotted, curly, red-pink hair.

That night I slept at ease, a small grin on my face, because for once, I have a place where I feel safe.

No chaos.

No big responsibilities.

Just her and I.

Alone together.




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