Chapter 3 - Moments in Time

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It had been quiet minutes earlier, but now all sense of peace was destroyed within the tiny shop to Annette's dismay. Just a few hours earlier she had been busy moving around the various items, betweens sips of her whipped cream and cherry laden coffee. Her mom, Alicia, had been busy with the dusting. It was part of their normal shared routine during the day time before Elyssa would arrive for her magical training.

They had expected Dantes to arrive, and even had a feeling he was bringing company with him. This too they looked forward to. It wouldn't have been an issue making sure they were both gone before Elyssa was supposed to arrive. What they weren't expecting was for the two of them to bump into Elyssa before making it to their shop. Usually Dantes had been good at avoiding her when in the area as, like them, he sensed her energy.

They weren't completely happy with his decision to avoid her, hoping at some point they'd work out their own personal demons and come together. They also knew that sometimes fate had it's own plans, and such meetings of the heart took time to find their way. There were certain things they knew were meant to be, but the hows, whys, and whens were constantly changing. With these two, those changes seemed to happen on a constant basis with no rhyme or reason. It made their predictions a bit more unstable and less reliable. As Annette would often say, time lines could also throw her for a loop.

Of all the times he could have bumped into Elyssa, Dantes doing so while with his companion was the worst. It completely threw off their visions of the future in such a way that a lot of it became blurred and fuzzy. Why he missed sensing her energy, they could only assume was due to his preoccupation with his companion. They knew the minute it happened that fireworks would ensue, and they didn't need visions of the future to predict that.

What they didn't realize was that they'd been dragged into it by a slip of the tongue and Elyssa finding out of the secret meetings they had been having with Dantes every so often. Dantes and Dewdrop had been the first to arrive. The minute they entered the shop, Annette and Alicia knew everything was going to go down hill faster than they originally imagined.

Dantes didn't even bother introducing Dewdrop, instead warning them that Elyssa wasn't far behind and was fuming. Before he could finish the warning, Elyssa was storming through the door. Her eyes were ablaze with fury. The room went silent quickly as all eyes went to her.

At first Elyssa didn't say a word. Her eyes first went to Dantes and then to Annette, before moving to Alicia. Even their terrier Tobias seemed terrified as he darted behind a box and hid, curling his tail between his legs. Dewdrop escaped the gaze, and no one was sure if that was a good sign or not.

"So...," Elyssa spoke, waiting to see who dared to open their mouth first. Annette started to speak, but then changed her mind, as she reached for her coffee and nervously took a sip. Alicia too was quiet, which was surprising seeing as she usually was the voice of reason.

"I trusted you both. Why would you lie to me?" Elyssa's eyes pleaded with them for answers.

"It's complicated," Alicia said as she took a few slow steps forward.

"You both keep saying that. Everyone keeps saying that. It's not, it's not complicated. It's telling the truth and I am so sick of everyone treating me like I can't handle it!" Elyssa was near tears, and angry. Actually angry didn't even begin to describe what she was feeling.

"Elyssa, it's my fault. I...," Dantes started before she cut him off.

"No. No, you don't get to speak to me. I don't want you saying one word to me. Not one. Not now. Not ever." She glared at Dantes. He didn't know how to respond, or even if he should.

As the anger filled her the whole room began to shake. Annette quickly put her coffee cup down on the counter as her, Alicia, and Dantes all took a step forward. They could see a large blue orb of energy forming around her. It didn't even appear that Elyssa was aware of what she was doing, or the power she was summoning. If it kept growing at the rate it was the was no telling of the damage it would do.

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