C H A P T E R .8.

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S E R E N D I P I T Y - C H A P T E R 8


I packed with a bursting heart.

I kept thinking of how could my own cousin do that to me.How could Hansel do that to me.I wondered when they started it.

And I realized that theri continuous fights were just a mask at what really hid beneath.

I kept thinking about Neymar,his words,my remarks.And I regretted to having been a little harsh on him and having told him off like that.

Inside of me there was somthing knocking to be let open.Something regarding Neymar that I didn't want to let in.

I was angry and hurt.Never a good combination.States of minds that didn't let you think straight.

I wanted to be left alone for a while.Sometimes silence it's the best remedy.That's what I craved for right now.

I had a plan.

I'd go back home and not tell anyone.I'd crouch at the beach house for a few days and when I'd feel ready I'd tell everyone what is going on.

Letting out a deep breath I sat at the bottom of the bed,rested my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands.

Hansel hadn't even came to apologize.Not that I wanted him to but still...

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.Then got dressed,took the luggage and went out.

The hallway echoed with my presence.My steps.My breath.Just me,nobody else.That was what I seeked so I closed my eyes.

But suddenly my peaceful bubble shattered at the steps of a intruder in front of me.

I gasped.

Neymar was limping to his room,holding his ribs in pain.His lip was split and bleeding.He was gripped on the bag I had dropped at the flea market.

Oh no...


His eyes flickered up to mine and looked startled as if he didn't want me to see him like that.

I rushed to him.

"What happened to you?"I demanded.

"This is nothing.You should see the other guy"he gave me that side smirk of his but once he did he grunted in pain.

"I'm serious Neymar!I told you to stay out of it!"

He opened his bedroom door and walked in.I stubbornly followed.

"This is useless,don't you realize that?The fact that you got into a fight with him isn't going to fix anything"

He closed the door behind us,"I couldn't let that sadisfaction slip out of my hands"

"Oh come on"

"He was still there Camilla,planning with Tina on how to get you back because apparently he had been wanting to marry you just because of the money.Just because you're father's a businessman.He was planning on getting as much money as he could out of this marriage then divorce you and run to Tina.He told me those while our mouth heated"

His betrayal hadn't hurt that deep...but I would have never thought he'd have those scary intentions.It suddenly burned like a bįtch.

"Since the punches I threw at his face didn't feel like they were enough I told him we slept together"

My eyes watered,covering my mouth with my hand I let go of the luggage.Everything had been a set up.He had played me.Everything had been a lie.

"That pushed me out of the limits.I bet he can't even walk anymore"Neymar snickered and then sat on the edge of the bed grimacing in pain.

I sniffed and grabbed my nose with my hands to prevent a sob gushing out.

"He's not worthy your tears Cam"Neymar silently said behind me.

"He tried to play me..."I whispered,"He tried to fūcking manipulate me"my fists chlenched,"Are you sure he can't walk?"I then asked.


"Good"I said and grabbed the aid box and sat next to Neymar.I placed some cotton with medical alcohol on his lip and wiped it cleaned.

He wrinced.

I wrinced,"I'm sorry"

He grabbed my hand to stop me.

"It burns"he mumbled with his eyes closed out of pain.

"I know"

His hazel green eyes opend and stared at me,"Pain doesn't matter.I'd fight the world for you"

My eyes went wide in shock at his sudden outburst,"Uhh...."

"I shouldn't have said that"he shook his head and gazed away,"Sorry"

Silence fall in like the light sneaks out of the dark.None of us dared to talk or move.None dared to break the ice.

"Are you still going to leave?"he asked out of the blue.

"I have to"

"If you're leaving I'm leaving too"


"I have nothing left to do here Cam"he said,"Unless you want to make a killer out of me than wont regret you having left me here with him"

"Fine"I rolled my eyes,"You can come with me"


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