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Stiles picks a 50s diner, where the staff all dress up like they're from grease. He went for his birthday as a kid with his mom and it's been his favourite restaurant since.

Derek drives to the diner the next day, smiling warmly at Stiles.
"You okay, love?"
"Yeah, I'm excited. I hope you like it," Stiles smiles.
"I'm sure I will. You've got to be good while we're out," Derek says.
"I will try."
"Good boy. I'm going to find some paint for the loft later if you want to choose with me. I mean, you spend a lot of time there so you should like it, too."
"I would like that," Stiles agrees.

They enjoy their meal, Stiles reminiscing about the times he has had in the restaurant, Derek glad he could share something Stiles enjoys. Derek smiles as Stiles cosies up to his side.
"Share a shake with me?" Stiles asks, eyes wide and glistening as he beams.
"My pleasure."

Stiles grins, sipping on the drink as Derek does the same. They stare at each other like two lovesick teenagers. When they pull away Derek cups Stiles' face with one hand, thumb brushing back and forth over his temple. Stiles' breath hitches and without thinking Derek leans in and presses his lips to Stiles'.

It takes a moment for him to realise what he's doing, pulling away from Stiles.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, that was incredibly inappropriate and-"

Stiles bites his lip. He didn't mean it, he doesn't like him.
"I should go," Stiles mumbles, avoiding Derek's gaze before he stumbles his way out with the help of his crutches.

"Scott- come pick me up. Please. I need you," Stiles whimpers down the phone.
"Okay, okay. You just stay where you are. You answer some questions while you wait. Where are you?" Scott asks.
"The diner."
"Where is Derek?"
"Inside. I'm outside," Stiles answers.
"Why, love?"
"He doesn't want me."
"That's not true, Stiles," Scott soothes. "Derek cares a lot about you."
"No, he doesn't want me," Stiles repeats like it explains it all.
"Alright. I'm just round the corner."

Scott pulls up in the car park, rushing out to pick Stiles up and help him into the car. Stiles nuzzles his face into Scotts neck and holds him close.

"I'm going to talk to Derek, you stay right here," Scott says, laughing lightly when Stiles tries to follow him. "I want you to sit right here. You can sort through my CDs."

Stiles hates how disorganised the discs are in Scott's car so a chance to fix it is tempting.

Stiles hadn't noticed in his panic that Derek wasn't in the diner and was stood a couple metres away from him to keep an eye on him.
"Derek, what the fuck?" Scott demands.
"I kissed him- I didn't mean to it just seemed like the right thing and then I realised I shouldn't and-" Derek breathes, yelling and punching the wall. He shakes his hand out and watches it heal.
"You either tell him how you feel and explain everything. Everything. Or you don't have any relationship with him," Scott tells him. He shakes his head and gets back into his car.

"Hey, Stiles, you finished?" Scott asks.
"Yes," Stiles whispers.
"Let's go home, mine or yours?"
"Yours. Dad will ask what's wrong. And get angry."
"He won't get angry at you," Scott frowns.
"Angry at Derek," Stiles reasons.
"You don't need to worry about that, Derek's a big boy and can handle his own."
"But I like him," Stiles whines. Scott bites his lip to stops himself smiling too much.
"I know you do. It'll be okay. We'll get it sorted."

When they get back to Scott's Melissa welcomes them with open arms.
"What happened to my Stiles?" She coos, hugging him tightly.
"Derek kissed him. He likes Derek. Derek said he didn't mean it which Stiles thinks means Derek doesn't like him."
"Aw, love, come sit down. I've got to go to work soon but I'll be sure to text you when I can."

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