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**** Sadie slammed her fist into the desk as one of her men told her about Valentin's betrayal. "Find him, and bring him to me, as well as that Detective! I don't care what condition the traitor is in. Just make sure he's still alive, and able to produce."


Brittany was at the Sheriff's office going through the last of the evidence when she heard the door open behind her. "Detective?"

"I'll be right with you." She called back as she began to receil the box.

"Actually, Brittany. I came here for you." Said a young woman's voice. That was when the sound of a man and woman's tortured screams filled the building.

"No! Don't touch her! Sandy, get Brittany and run!"

"Frank! No!"

Brittany spun around just in time to see the large fist come right at her. Unfortunately, she had no time to dodge the blow.


When Brittany next opened her eyes she was sitting in a chair with her knees pulled up to her chest. A rope was wrapped around her knees all the way around to her back. Looking around her, she found that whe was being held in a small cell without any windows, and only one way in or out. When she turned to look to her left she saw what could only be a large man chained to the wall.

He had been badly beaten, and was now hanging from his wrists. She could tell by the marks that he had been hanging like that for some time. When he lifted his head to look at her she saw his hazel eyes. "Hey, are you Valentin?" She called to him.

As he weakly looked up to meet her gaze, "I see Carlie gave you my warning." He spit to the side, "Is she alright?"

Brittany nodded, "When I saw her last she was with our father. Do you have any idea where we are?"

He looked around and shook his head, "I'm afraid not. I've been working undercover for the last five years, and never saw this room. We must be somewhere new. Besides, after they had their fun with me they took my implants."

Brittany sighed, "So it's true, your hearing truely is bad."

He winced, but nodded, "If not for my cochlear implants I can't hear you at all."

Brittany sighed, "Wait. What?"

He shook his head, "I'm actually reading your lips right now." He gave her a weak smile. "Be ready. I assume they'll be coming for us soon."

Brittany nodded, "She wants me alive."

Valentin nodded, "You are Brick's only weakness."

Brittany shook her head, 'That is not entirely true.' She thought. 'No matter what, I have to protect my baby.'


Tina and True Wolf were returning to the office with Kyle. All three had been trying to raise the two Deputys on call for the last hour or so. When they still hadn't returned their calls, the group had decided to check for themselves.

They could smell the stench of decomp all the way form the lot when they pulled in. So together they all ran inside, terrified of what they were about to find. What they found would haunt all their dreams for years to come.

The two young Deputies each sat in his or her own chair, bound and gagged. Their eyes fixed open in death. Who ever had attacked the offices had really enjoyed their work. Blood soaked the hard wood floor beneath both chairs. The Deputy in charge had been tortured for some time before he had finally bled out. His organs had all been layed out along the top of his desk, as if on display. Laying on top of the heart was a playing card. His partner on the other hand. Her death had been quick, and painless. As if the butcher, had simply run out of time, and killed her to just finish the job so she could leave.

Tina was forced to run back outside before heaving what little lunch she had all over the crime scene. The veteran Homicide Detective couldn't believe what they had found. Who ever had done this, had taken a great deal of pleasure from the torture. They had even made sure to use a tourniquet on each of the major injuries to keep the victim alive as long as possible.

'God, what kind of psychopath are we dealing with?' She looked up to the sky, "Lord, please. I know you have a plan, and that we are all only a small part of it. I beg of you. Please, give me the strength I need to meet this challenge head on, and help those that need my help. And, please, give me the wisdom to understand your will. Amen."

Kyle and True Wolf both burst out the door and had to work hard not to be sick as well. Kyle leaned over the rail, "Oh, God. The killer turned the heat up in there."

Tina swallowed, "It keeps the bodies warm. That makes it harder to get an accurate time of death. It also speeds up the decomposition." She closed her eyes, but she couldn't hide from the smell of death.

True was already on the phone with Crime Scene Investigation. "No. There are no survivers. And, be ready. It was a massacre. The whole room has been painted in their blood... Yeah, it was Frank, and Sandy... No. I'll notify the next of kin. Thanks anyway."

After hanging up he pulled Tina into his arms, "Are you alright?"

She shook her head, "My God, True. Who could be so sick that they would... would..." She could feel the tears burning behind her eyes. "What about Tany? Where is she? What if they took her?"

The Deputy held her close, "If they did, they want her alive for now. They won't harm her, or the baby. She and her unborn child are Sadie's only real bargaining chip right now. Without them, she has no control over Brick."

Kyle nodded, "He's right. Sadie needs my sister alive." He took a deep breath and dialed his father's number, "Dad, I need you to open up all the lines. I have some really bad news, and it's best you all hear at once.


About that same time Gabriel received a letter that held a hidden secret within.

'If you want her back. Come and get her. All my love to you, brother dear. Love your devoted little sister, Sadie.'

With in the envelop was the picture Sadie had taken of Brittany. She was tied to a chair, her legs up, knees to her chest, and hands tied behind her back. Her ankles had also been bound together, and a rope wrapped completely around her legs and back. This forced her to stay in that position. Her hair had been cut, and she was gagged with tape. He could see the fear in her beautiful blue eyes.

Gabriel could feel his blood boiling deep inside. 'I'm coming for you, Tany'

Undercover Hero (3B Hero Series) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now