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**** Gabriel looked down at her once more, where her head rested on his shoulder. She looked so peaceful, almost angelic. With that thought, he turned toward his place, what appeared to be an old deserted warehouse on the outskirts of the city. It even had boarded up doors and windows with signs that read 'Condemned'. After entering through a hidden door Gabriel keyed the lock, and stepped off the lift. Then placed Brittany on his king sized bed.

Gently, he removed her coat and boots, covered her with a light blanket and sat down beside her. He couldn't resist brushing the long hair away from her face and just enjoyed looking at her. She had haunted his dreams these past four years though he dared to do nothing about it. She was too young and his work was too dangerous. Too many people would have jumped at the chance to hurt or control him through her, and he had refused to give them the ammunition.

Sighing, he stepped away and looked around at the large open floor and thought, 'She's not seventeen or defenceless anymore.'

She would need something hot later - tea - she loved her hot tea

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She would need something hot later - tea - she loved her hot tea. He filled a kettle and went to the trunk for the box he had kept. It had been a gift from Btittany, herself. He called it the tea box. He couldn't help but chuckle, 'Very enventive, Ivonov.' He had never thought deeply enough to understand why he carried the tea box with her favorite tea instead of his own, but he understood now.

She would need to be watched for symptoms of shock, but he didn't think that was a real concern, not with her. Even at seventeen she had been a tough little minx. But she might be embarrassed and possibly even ashamed at having lost control of the situation.

He would help her to understand, that even the most experienced fighter could loose control at times. Gabe reached into a chest and pulled out a small China tea pot with matching tea cup, and saucer. Then seeing the humor, roled his eyes.

KB would get a kick out of knowing that he had the delicate, hand painted, china tea pot and matching cup and saucers. He was still a little mystified himself. He shook his head and grinned as he automatically poured a small amount of hot water into the teapot. He was amazed that he remembered to warm the teapot. He searched the box and found the little chained egg to put the lose tea in. He smiled, remembering how he had teased her about useing one. Then got back to business and added the right number of scoops of her favorite lose tea, snapping the lid closed and slipping the hook onto the tiny dip. He added the boiling water and set it aside to steep. Before he realized what he was doing he had covered it with the tea cozy... a tea cozy. He hadn't even known what a tea cozy was before he met her, let alone have one of his own.


Brittany groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. 'What happened?' "Uhh, my head."

She took a moment to remember and bolted up right, eyes wide in fear. She looked around and realized she wasn't in the alley. How long had she been out? Too long judging by the pink sky line outside. "It's morning already?" She slowly rolled off the bed, trying to make as little noise as possible.

As she made her way around the huge one room living area, something seemed familiar. There was something... she looked around her. Then a huge leather jacket caught her attention. Slowly she lifted the heavy thing to her nose and breathed in the clean scent of... him.

She placed it back down on the chair and shook her head. 'No. That can't be right.'

She made her way to the galley kitchen area to find a beautiful China tea cup full of steaming lavender tea. It smelled wonderful, but she didn't dare drink any of it... at least not until she knew it was safe. Looking around she found a little note laying on the counter.

She bent to read it, so as not to mess with finger prints. Should there be any.


Don't worry, I had to step out, but you're safe here. Those thugs are behind bars, for attempted rape and kidnapping. I saw to that. The tea should help, you'll find more in the teapot, under the cozy, there's honey. I think I remembered how you like it.

I'll be back soon. Help yourself to any food you want. See you soon, malen'kiy shalun'ya.'

She couldn't hide the grin. Only one man had ever called her Little Minx in Russian. She loved the endearment. She took a sip of the tea, added honey and smiled.

'Hmmm. He remembered I prefer honey in mine.'

To ward off the chill that had settled in, she pulled the heavy leather jacket on and curled up in the large recliner. The jacket swallowed her whole, it was large enought that she was able to twist completely around and check the size. Brittany couldn't help but laugh at the size. 28 5-XL. That was even too big for her Uncle Bear, and he was a large man.

She grinned, "And niether of them have even an ounce of fat on them."

After taking another sip of tea it hit her all at once, and so hard that she had to fight not to cry. They could have taken her. Brittany shook her head. The burn of tears stung her eyes, and before she knew it she was sobbing into that leather jacket.


She jumped with a squeak of surprise, and spun around to find Gabriel setting a few grocery bags onto the counter. The worry in that violet gaze, eased her fear. Then the relief of acually seeing him alive only added to the racking sobs.

'He's alive!'

He took a measured step towards her and held one hand out. Understanding the invitation, Brittany almost lunged at him. Gabriel folded her tiny frame into his powerful arms and held her close. He'd never seen her cry before, at least not like this. Her body shook as she wept all over him. Gently he lifted her into his arms bridel style, and sat in the recliner. When she was sitting in his lap he wrapped his arms around her protectively.

Finally when she came up for air, "I thought... I thought they were gonna kill me."

He rubbed her back and kissed her hair. "You're safe now, Malen'kiy Shalun'ya."

She smiled, "Little Minx. I've missed that. Gabriel..."

He looked down at her, "Da?"

When she looked up at him, he could see the tears still clinging to her long beautiful lashes.

"How did you know I needed you, and where I was?"

He shook his head, "I can't explain it. For some reason I just needed to get out and walk." He looked a little confused. "It was... an uncontrollable urge, and once I was walking... I just let my legs carry me." He shook his head, "I swear I heard your voice in my head. You were calling my name."

Brittany's beautiful silver-blue eyes went wide. 'I did call his name, but how would he have heard it.'

Then it hit her. God had heard her call for help, and sent... him.

Undercover Hero (3B Hero Series) Book 4Where stories live. Discover now