A Heart that is Loyal

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''Arthur?''. He had stopped mid-sentence. Eerie music floated up from far below us. All around me, the knights had grown still. I fought the panic rising in my chest. Suddenly, with an almighty crash, all four of them fell to the floor. I jumped and screamed, a scream which echoed off into the valley below. The song came to an aprupt stop and was replaced by deafening silence. I threw my self down on my knees next to the nearest knight (incidently happened to be Gwaine) and checked for a heartbeat. I breathed a sigh of relief as I found a dull thud thud thud. Looking around, I suddenly felt very alone. Peering down into the valley I noticed a figure moving quickly through the trees. A figure in red. Suddenly, a terrible realisation dawned. My mind began to fill with memories of the past few days....

"And by the looks of it he's brought his daughter, Princess Vivian with him", he added as a beautiful young woman in a glittering red dress followed the king.

Suddenly the door behind them creaked. Arthur, Merlin and Inwe looked sharply behind them. Inwe thought she caught sight of a flash of red material disappearing as the door closed, but dismissed it as her imagination.

 A small scrap of red material was fluttering in the wind, snagged on a shard of broken glass. 

My own sharp intake of breath flung me back into reality. It was Vivian. It had all been Vivian. One by one, I dragged Arthur and the knights into a small alcove in the rocks behind us. With a last guilty glance at them I took off running, skidding down the steep cliff side sending stones tumbling before me, towards the Labyrinth of Gedref. 

When I reached the valley below I realised I was scared out of my mind. What was I doing charging towards Gedref, playing the hero? I thought heroes were supposed to know no fear, have a fire blazing in their hearts and have their whole being set on a single thought, but I didn't feel like that at all. I slowed to a stop. But then, I thought about Camelot. I thought about Arthur and the knights. I thought about Gaius. I thought about Merlin. I thought about loyalty. Then something strange happened, inside my heart, I felt a flame light and I heard a little voice say, ''How long will you care so much about them?''. And the answer was ''Until Forever Comes''.

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