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             My eyes fluttered open and I looked around the dark room. Sun was shining through curtains, casting elegant patterns of rainbow light onto the white walls. I contemplated getting out of bed while I listened for movement around the huge hotel room.


             I gently slipped the covers off my body and quietly slid out of bed, choosing where I placed my feet carefully to avoid the sleeping Harry on his makeshift bed on the floor. I don't know why he insists on sleeping on the floor but it's sort of cute. I stopped at the door and glanced back at Harry's sleeping face. He looked completely at peace...and over the past few days I've learned that peace is something you rarely get when living with One Direction.

             I padded down the stairs and towards the kitchen, adjusting my tank top from it's sideways placement as I made my way through the hall. I accidentally took a right turn at the end of it instead of a left and ended up in something that seemed like a powder room. I retraced my steps and took the left turn back into the kitchen. God, I never knew they made hotel rooms this big.

             The clock above the oven clearly stated that it was 11:13 am. I quietly shuffled through the contents of the pantry and the refrigerator before deciding that I would make pancakes for everybody. I assumed that would eventually come up to about 30 pancakes and grabbed a box of pancake mix, silently praying that it would suffice for the boys' unusual eating habits. As the pan heated up, I made coffee and set the table, briefly stopping to think about what side the knife went on.

             A hungover Harry Styles wandered into the kitchen when I was in the middle of making the batter. He smiled at me a bit before sitting down at the bar and putting his head in his hands. Without saying anything I poured him a cup of coffee and took 2 Advil out of the kitchen cabinet. He gave me a puzzled look when I set the items down in front of him.

             "The ultimate cure for a hangover." I informed him with a wink and a tiny smile. The boys (and Lacey and basically everyone but myself) had gotten absolutely wasted last night at Liam's party. It was crazy.

             "Thanks. How would you know that? You don't drink." he questioned. My small smile disappeared as I remembered my father making me make him coffee and get him Advil almost every morning since my mother left us.

             "My father. He-"

              Harry cut me off. "I understand. You don't have to tell me. I know how much it hurts to talk about." he smiled, grabbing my hand from across the counter. I smiled back.

             "How'd you sleep?" I asked him, trying to lighten the mood. He shrugged his broad shoulders, yawning as he did so.

              "Okay, I guess. That floor is pretty comfortable." he answered. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not but I decided to leave it.

               "Alright, Mr.Styles. Are you gonna help me make pancakes or not?" I asked, pulling him up off of his chair before he even had time to answer.


             By 12:30 Harry and I had used the entire box of pancake mix and I'm proud to say that we made 38 perfect pancakes and didn't leave any batter in the bowl. Batter was, however, on the cabinets, the floor, the fridge, in the sink, in my hair, on my clothes, in Harry's perfect curls and I'm pretty sure he's standing in a giant puddle of it. On our 16th pancake, we got into a little pancake mix fight that only managed to wake Liam, who was now sat at the table in his flannel pyjamas and Hulk slippers with a cup of coffee and the newspaper. Nonetheless, we had 38 perfect pancakes.

             Harry and I were about half way done cleaning the mess when we heard what sounded like a stampede coming from upstairs. The immense sound got louder and louder until 4 bodies were running down the stairs. Just as Niall was about to touch the last stair, Louis stuck his foot out and tripped him. The blonde boy tumbled over and landed smack on his face. He lay on the ground for a few seconds before bouncing to his feet.

             "Breakfast partayyyyyyyy!" Niall screamed.

             "Someone handles hangovers quite extraordinarily." I whispered to Harry, earning a chuckle in return. Louis walked over to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffe while Zayn, Niall, and Lacey made their way to the kitchen table.

             After a few sips of coffee, Louis spoke up. "The pancakes are missing something." he stated before rummaging through the cabinets. I shrugged it off and Harry and I returned to our cleaning only to interrupted a few minutes later with a loud "Eureka!" being shouted from our left.

             Harry looked at me with an odd expression plastered among his perfect features. "Do people actually say that?" he asked, shock evident in his deep voice. I laughed a bit and rolled my eyes as I tured to see what Louis had found.

             Oh no.

             "Sprinkles!" he shouted, unscrewing the cap and flinging sprinkles everywhere. Sure, they got on the pancakes but they also got in Liam's coffee, down Harry's shirt, in my hair, and down the drain. A couple sprinkles were on Zayn's lap. The only people not phased by the massive amount of sprinkles in the kitchen were Louis (obviously.) and Niall, who was expertly catching sprinkles hy the dozen in his mouth.

             After Louis was satisfied with the amount of sprinkles everywhere, he picked up his coffee mug and sat down calmly. Everyone was quiet. Good opportunity.

             "Breakfast is served." 


A/N: Asdfghjkl.  I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry! I havent updated since June even though I promised to countless times. I had a lot of fun getting back into this story (again) and I'll probably be updating tomorrow or the next day! This isnt proof read so I'm sorry for any mistakes! I hope the spacing isnt too weird, as I typed this all on my phone and its 11pm so I'm not paying attention to much.

Comment your favourite part?

Much love! ^.^

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