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Hi there! Here's the next chapter of KR, a chapter that was hard for me to write. Parth's relationship wit h the matriarch of the Saxena Family. I'd love to know what you think of Monica Saxena!

'What now? Do I go to talk to ...Dad?' Parth ran his fingers through his hair.

He had already postphoned the inevitable confrontation with reality as far as he could. Now that there were no more futile tasks to delay his talk with his father, Parth found that he was full of uncertainty. How was he supposed to talk to his father after almost a decade of alienation? An alienation that had been more or less a choice Parth had made.

A knock on his door made Parth snap out of his thoughts.

He almost sighed in relief.

"Come in" Parth called out. "It's unlocked."

The door opened a slight peep.

"Can I talk to you, Parth?" a soft yet assertive female voice addressed him.

He looked up to see Namit's mother standing outside.

Unsure of how to answer but not wanting to look impolite, he nodded.

"Thank you." She smiled gently and came in.

The silence made him uncomfortable. Monica Saxena however, did not look the slightest bit smug at his discomfort.

Parth realized that she was waiting patiently for something.

She was waiting for him to talk.

"I'm sorry for intruding on your house" Parth began, feeling his pulse speed up. He was finding this hard to do. He did not know what his father's wife thought of him or how she would react to his return. That disadvantage made him speechless, internally fumbling for the right words to express his conflicted emotions.

Monica gave him a graceful shake of the head "Nonsense. Didn't your father tell you? This is your house and you are always welcome here. I won't have any of this intruding business or you feeling you are a stranger in your own house." Her voice held no signs of forced civility or resentment. She was smiling in that same gentle manner he had seen her smile at Namit and Isha.

The acceptance made him feel a little more at ease.

"Thank you—I really appreciate...My mother hasn't exactly been very civil to you." Parth cleared his throat "I'm..." he looked at his feet awkwardly

"I wish we would have met in better circumstances. I'm sorry for your loss." Monica offered.

Parth was relieved she did not talk about his mother. The kind of interaction his mother had with Monica was one filled with spite. Monica herself didn't hold any grudges, her words were honest and made Parth blush with embarrassment. His mother had taught him that Monica Saxena was a vain stuckup lady and here he'd come to learn that she was nothing like that.

Parth nodded "Thank you for not hating me. In other families a.."

Monica's glare made him shut up.

He swallowed, hoping he had not offended her.

"Don't you dare call yourself that horrid name. That ugly word. I don't know why these people put so much importance on their bloodlines. Jay and I didn't give birth to Isha. We love her and care for her just as much as we do for Namit. Just because you aren't related to me by blood doesn't mean you can't be a son to me as well." She smiled kindly.

The silence that filled the room this time was a comfortable one.

"I don't know how to thank you" Parth finally said.

"You can start by calling me anything apart from Aunty. I know I can't replace your mother. I would like to support you as much as you would allow me." Monica put a hand on his shoulder.

Her gentle touch put all the previous fears at ease. If his father's wife could accept him and hold no grudges, then he could do the same.

"I would like that. Can I call you Badi Ma then?" Parth smiled.

"Of course you can." Monica's smile reached her eyes. "Then I can call you my son and scold you when you don't take care of your health. Namit has already told you that Yash wants you to take up the family business, hasn't he?"

"Yes. I hadn't really planned on business" Parth confessed "This will be something completely new for me. I hope I don't disappoint Papa or you. You've both been very kind to me."

"I'd like the hard work your father has done to not be wasted. You've always been a responsible child, so I don't think it will be easy for you to disappoint us. But is it something you'd be happy doing? Neither Namit nor Isha have the interest in corporate business and the production aspects. I don't want to push you into anything you don't want and neither will your father. If you would like to do something else you can tell us. Don't feel obligated to obey every wish. Isha and Namit never do. You are no different from them."

"Thank you Badi Ma. It means a lot that you care about what I want. Managing and Leading has always been something I love." Parth smiled.

" That's a silver lining then. There always is. You already have a technical background and your father would be much better at explaining these things than me. Speaking of your father, he has asked me to tell you to talk to him. Whenever you feel like it that is. Both of us understand this is hard for you, especially after the accident" Monica patted his shoulder. "You don't have to talk unless you feel ready to."

"Thanks." Parth felt his eyes getting all blurred. Watery

"For what?" Monica chuckled "Not being an evil stepmom? Evil stepmoms don't usually get their happy endings." Her tone was playful.

"Is that why you are being nice to me?" Parth grinned at her "Because you want a happy ending?"

"Cheeky. But no. I like the idea of having another son more than I like the idea of plotting like the woman in Indian Soaps." Monica rolled her eyes "Such torture to the intellect!"

Parth could not help but chuckle. A small smile at lips.

" Things will get better with time Beta. Remember, you are not alone. If anything bothers you, me and your Dad will always be ready to listen. So would Isha, once you get to know her better. Namit, now he might drag you out for a movie or something."

Parth nodded.

"Have you unpacked?" Monica looked around.

"Yes. It was quick." Parth smiled.

"After Isha takes you shopping, it won't be." Monica smirked.

"Shopping?" Parth shuddered.

"She'll call it bonding time. I suggest you go with it and try to enjoy yourself." Monica smothered a laugh. "You both have nearly a decade of sibling bonding to cover."

"I've never had a sister." Parth confessed. "I don't know what to do"

"Don't worry. Younger sisters are fun. Isha is. Ask Namit for advice. He'd be more than happy to help you out" Monica got up from the bed.

"I doubt it. Namit and I" Parth got up as well "Haven't had the best brotherly bond"

"Well, you have a chance to fix that now, don't you." Monica walked out of the door with a last smile that was a lot like Namit's.

Parth sighed, half content and half confused.

He lay back on the bed.

His bed.

This foreign room was his room now.

This house was his.

'Not house' he felt a warmth in his chest 'Home'

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