x. Hercules.

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She had a blank on her face. Almost as if she wasn't even looking at him. "Don't tell my father in law." She took a sip "He disapproves. I always come to this room to drink but I forgot you were here. But now that I'm I might as well get it over with." she put the bottle down and took out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter.

"Vidushi?" Parth put the book down. He'd never known her to smoke.

The cigarette was lit. She brought it to her lips and took a long inhale.

She exhaled the smoke.

" I'm Mrs Agarwal to you. I know how you think of me Parth. Now that I've grown up in these two years. All you ever saw me as was as a Gold digger. Someone who is still after you and wants to seduce you. But I'm married now. Have been for two years. And Ankit is very good to me. I know I don't deserve him. He deserves someone who can love him back. Yes. He's actually a nice person. But being in Sanyukta's shadow can make anyone bitter. Don't blame him. He's learning to be nicer and so am I. But you'll be happy to know that you were right about money not assuring happiness. I have money and I'm unhappy. Isn't that what you wanted Parth? For me to learn my lesson? You have it then .And having you here ...is that my book?" Vidushi spotted Gone Girl.

Parth offered it to her.

"I can't believe Sanyukta would touch Ankit's books and lend them to you. He doesn't even let me dust them. Insists on taking care of them himself." Vidushi held the books to her chest with one hand. The lit cigarette in the other.

"Look Vidushi-" Parth sighed.

"I don't like what I see now Parth. A liar who is no better than Amazing Amy. Pure Parth. That's how you portray yourself. Always the helpful one. Always the nice. But you are a hypocritical asshole. You were never there for me like you were for Randhir and Sanyukta. And I hate myself for loving you once." She hissed "Ankit is twice the man you are once you actually understand him. But I can't love him because you ruined love for me. Made me believe that money stands with you but people don't. You didn't. You only made me insecure."

Parth froze unable to get his lips to move.

She shook her head, chuckling to herself ". I apologize for being rude Mr Kashyup. My husband will bring your food and medicine in a while. And I beg you for his happiness to keep this conversation to yourself. If you are angry at me for finally having the courage to speak the truth to you about what you put me through then punish me. I know I was a money hungry bitch but you never assured me you'd be there. Money did. And then Ankit did." She sighed "If you want to get back at me you can say whatever you want. But please spare Ankit. He is an innocent in this. I can't love him as he truly deserves but I can protect him from pain."

Parth felt anger take over him "If you can't love Ankit then why do you stay with him and deprive him a chance at love?"

Vidushi flinched.

"Divorce him. Let him fall in love with someone who loves him." Parth offered "Get a job. Earn your own livelihood."

Vidushi bit her lip. "Wow. For once you are right about me Parth.I don't really owe you any explanation but I want you to know the truth. I want to divorce him. We actually came back to India to get it all fixed. But the fact is that his father would mock him for making the wrong choice by marrying me. I don't want to put him through the pain. I've been a divorcee before. And I've been honest with Ankit. I've told him all about Varun, my parents and why I married him. But I've told him nothing about you. It is like you never were anything more than a classmate. And because you are so concerned about me not allowing Ankit to fall in love I'll tell you this. If he ever does fall in love with someone and she loves him back too, I'll walk out of his life without hesitation. Now that I have money I can live without it if I ever need to. And I hope for his sake it happens as soon as possible. I may not love him but I do care for him. He is hopeful I'll fall in love with him. But we both know I'm a characterless woman who'll always be alone don't we? Thank you for telling me that truth. I've come to accept it now." she stopped, breathless after the long speech she'd given. The things she had held inside.

"Goodbye Parth.  Please have an interesting life. The kind they write books about," her voice was soft. She held up Gone Girl like a salute "I'll be waiting to read all about it. "

She turned and walked out without another word.

Leaving smoke in her wake and ashes on the floor.

And she might as well have left cigarette burns on his skin. It would have caused him less pain.

The truth, which he had revered and supported, was suffocating him.


A/N : I wanted to end this here. With Parth knowing the truth about Vidushi's marriage and her human side.

But Parth and Vidushi can't end this way. A love like that doesn't end so easily. And if it was never love in the first place like Vidushi claimed then it does not end at all.

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