Sehuns gift

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"Guys we gotta go to our dorm,you gotta come as well,but i also need to smoke so,in like five minutes" i told them,Kris was finishing his cake and Tao was playing games on his phone."sure hunny"Tao mumbled not looking up from the phone ,i have cigarettes in my pocket,your favs,i bought them when you were in the toilet "Tao looked up from his phone,or rather Kris'
"Wow thanks babe"i winked,not risking a kiss in public."yous dont smoke right?" I asked " we do sometimes" Tao replied,but dont feel like it now,but you have good taste Hunnie" Tao smiled as he threw the pack at me."cheers" i threw my hands up as i walked away,tightly cluching the pack,Suho made me nervous.
I smoked as i called Kyungsoo."hyung how did the others react when you told them youre with Kai"i blabbered before he even said hello."umm,we didnt really they kinda figured.." Kyungsoo replied slowly."oh right,cool" "why thought Sehun?"Kyungsoo sounded confused."youll find out i guess" i grinned to myself."wait!Seh-" but i hung up before he finished his sentence.Lighting another cigarette i called Chanyeol."hey,have you ever thought of asking Baek out?" Silence. "Wha..."  Chanyeol sounded shocked. "Ok nevermind,byee!' I hung up.annoying my hyungs was my favourite hobbie.Guess no double dates then.Ill ask Kai and Kyungsoo later.I headed back in and linked arms with both Tao and Kris and we took off strolling back home.I took plenty of selcas of us on the way,lots of Tao making funny faces and Kris trying to look tough and manly.I just did my poker face,i never know what to do with my face.

We finally reached the dorm and as usual,everyone was everwhere.Chanyeol and Baekhyun sprawled out on the floor in the living room laughing and chatting.Chen reading a manga on the couch.Xiumin listening to music.Kai and Kyungsoo are outside.Yixing was humming absentmindedly and sipping tea in the kitchen.Suho was at the door and greeted Kris and Tao,smiling at me.Me and Tao walked into the living room,the members looked up and then gawked.Chen stood up pointing at our hands."are you..?" Tao and i both smiled.Chen got up snd hugged us both grinning.The other members came into the living room wandering what all the comotion was about,they all started asking questions and shouting.I leaned in and grabbed Taos face kissing him deeply,i felt him relaxing against me.I smiled as i pulled away."does that answer everyone's questions?"i laughed. Silence again."they married in secret,sorry guys,i was the first to know"Kris babbled as i slapped his arm,embarressed Tao also blushing.Tao kissed my cheek and everyone awwed.Ducking my head i dragged him out of the room."Hey!wait up! Kris shouted and i turned around to have about 10 packs of verious condoms thrown at my face."stay safe!!" Kris yelled as the others  burst out laughing.Bright red i led Tao embarressing.

I smoked, passing the cigarette to Tao every few minutes as he didnt was a full one.We came back in after and Suho took me away to show me the present,he said it was in the garage,i was really confused but i took the keys off him and looked inside.I turned on the light and in the far corner of the garaged under a foil was what i presumed was a motorcycle.Grinning i ran towards it,ripping off the foil,i watched as the foil fell on the ground and before me stood a beautiful black with blue swirls yamaha motorcycle.One i bookmarked a while back."you left your laptop open Suho answered my unasked question as he endered the garage.There was also an awesome glow in the dark helmet in the same patterns as the motorcycle and a full suit for it as well.I sqealed hugging Suho tightly."thank you so much Suho mama!!" I shouted."yay Suho mama!"Tao shouted group hugging us."babe,were going on a ride!!cdnt worry i got my licence back a few years i got my papers and everything.Theres even a spare helmet" i smiled."alright,but dont go speeding or ill be screaming" Tao replied,shifting uncomfortably."i cuddled into his chest,i promise i told him.

Tao got changed into some of my warmer clothes and we went on a ride.The wind wooshed last us.I smiled as i felt Taos hand on my lap and the other on my hipbone,stroking my side softly.We drove through back alleys and between cars,i was trying to get a feel for the bike.i could ride like this all day with Tao,feeling his chest resting on my back,feeling our helmets hitting off eachother when i slow down.After two hours of riding aimlessly we headed home.We were both tired after a bit of an adrenaline rush,i just really loved to hear Tao whimper and cling to me tighter,i may have disobeyed him and gone really fast on empty lanes.I parked the bike back in and watched Tao wobbling around,the adrenaline wrecked him.I passed him my cigarettes grinning."I hate you"Tao grumbled as he caught the pack,lighting one and passing it to me before taking one for him.I smiled and stuck my tongue at him.

Until next time

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