5MW Unicorn Head

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(If you had a unicorn head mask, what would you do with it?)

Written August 30th 2016

It's fascinating how fast a trend can begin, end, and carry on. The unicorn head mask, for example.

Last year I went hunting my usual gig, and dragged in a unicorn. Yes, a unicorn. I can only say I got lucky, but what proceeded this event certainly was not. My friend Bill came over for dinner, and noticed my stuffed hanging unicorn head. That's where it all started. Bill ran to his company proposing this unicorn head mask idea, and boom, it went viral.

Not one soul truly knew where this trend came from, besides me and Bill of course. But on the good side of things, all the blood drained into the ground. Now you know why there's a huge silver mine in the middle of the woods where there is none.

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