CHAPTER 4, DAY 4 Afternoon

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By the next morning, Cal and Rose shared breakfast in his private promenade deck.

“coffee, sir?” Trudy offered the mini kettle.

“I had hoped you would come to me last night!”

“I was tired.” She explained bored.

“Your exertions below decks were no doubts, exhausting.”

“I see you had that undertaker of a manservant follow me. How typical.”

“You will never behave like that again. Rose, do you understand?”

“I’m not a foreman in one of your mills that you can command. I’m your fiancée!”

“fiancée!” he repeated. Cal was mad. She was sure about that time. He throws the table out on his way because of madness driving in his vein. “Yes, you are, and my wife. My wife in practice, if not yet by law. So you will honor me. You will honor me the way a wife is required to honor her husband. Because I will not be made out a fool, Rose.” He was holding both of her shoulders. Rose was so afraid. “is this in any way unclear?”


“good. Excuse me!” Rose was in shocked when Cal left her alone. She bent down to try to clean his mess but Trudy intrude her privacy.

“Miss Rose!”

“We had  a little accident.” She almost cries.

“That’s all right, Miss Rose!”

“sorry Trudy.”

“it’s all right”

“let me help you!”

“it’s all right, miss.”

She felt a strange tension between the two of them.


After their little misunderstanding, Rose gets herself dress for the Sunday worship. Trudy was helping her fixing the tail of her back dress when her mother came inside.

“tea, Trudy.” She commanded, a hurry on her tone.

“yes, ma’am”

“You are not to see that boy again. Do you understand me?” she continues to tied up Rose’s back dress recklessly.

“Rose, I forbid it.”

“Stop it mother. You’ll give yourself a nosebleed.” She turned Rose against the mirror and faced her.

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