Seven: The First Day Back

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Tower dorms always got the most light, so it wasn’t a surprise when I woke up to a blinding white light that streamed into the fourth year girl’s dormitory. I opened my eyes just slightly and watched as Hermione strode across the room, gathering her books and things. Circling around the room I noticed that Lavender had pulled her covers up over her head and that Parvati was now sitting straight up in her own bed.

“Hermione,” Lavender whined, finally uncovering herself, “I thought we agreed not to open the curtains until seven.”

Hermione suddenly turned sharply toward Lavender, “It is seven, breakfast starts soon, we’re not on holiday anymore Lavender.”

Suddenly, as though a mini explosion had occurred the three of us jumped out of bed and began readying for the day, by seven forty-five all three of us were bathed, our hair done, and for the most part ready to go.

“Is my tie lopsided?” Lavender asked, staring at her appearance in the mirror.

Parvati moved around her to get a better look, cocking her head from one side to the other trying to figure out what was off.

I sighed and grabbed my book bag with everything in it, “I’m leaving for breakfast, see you down there.”

I hurried quickly down the staircase and into the commons, meeting the two angry glares of Dean and Seamus.

“Breakfast started twenty minutes ago Sophia!” Dean began throwing his hands up and bringing them down hard on his thighs.

“We’re starvin’!” Seamus grabbed my upper arm and guided me roughly toward the hole in the wall.

They quickly scrambled out of the hole, holding the portrait of the Fat Lady open as I climbed through myself. They walked briskly with long strides, trying their best not to run as they hurried along the corridors, following the scent of bacon like hounds.

As we came into the Great Hall they both hurried for the table, ignoring Professor McGonagall as she held out their timetables for them. I took mine graciously and risked a peek, praying not to find something horrible on it for today like divinations.

I scanned our first classes to see we had Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures first, but before I could reach the bottom Seamus had already spoiled the suspense with a loud groan.

“Double divinations? Really?” Seamus dropped his timetable onto the table and glared angrily at it.

I looked down to find that I too had double divinations fourth and fifth hour. I sighed and began buttering a piece of toast. Divinations had never had any appeal to me, the only reason I had chosen to take it my third year was because of Dean and Seamus who heard it was an easy class from an older student. If they hadn’t chose it I’d probably be expecting to go to Arithmancy with Hermione instead.

Dean also seemed a little down hearted by our schedule, “Well, at least we’re outside all morning.”

I looked to the enchanted ceiling and confirmed the weather, clear of rain but a gloomy morning was promised. Breakfast and mail came and went in a hurry and before long the fourth year Gryffindor’s were marching through the damp and sodden grass, past the dripping garden and into greenhouse three.

As we walked in I felt myself inwardly cringe at the sight of the plant we were evidently working with that day. Sticking vertically from pots of soil squirmed black, slug-like plants, spotting their surface were pimple-like bumps that contained a sort of liquid.

“Bubotubers, they need squeezing. You will collect the pus –” Professor Sprout began before Seamus interrupted.

“The what?” his face reflected the revolt I was feeling myself.

“Pus, Finnigan, pus, and it’s extremely valuable….”

Seamus turned toward me with a look of shock, “Do you believe this? We’re poppin’ a plant’s pimples for it, we are!” he whispered.

The puss smelled of rot and squirted out in a yellow chunk, by the end of the lesson we’d collect several pints for Madam Pomfrey the school nurse.

When the bell echoed through the grounds we headed toward Hagrid’s cabin, only to discover another rotten surprise: Blast-Ended Skrewts. We kneeled over boxes to lower food to the creatures without mouths, Dean was burned once and I nearly was stabbed several times by one of the stingers. Lunch went by quickly, and I fell asleep during divinations, only to be woken by Seamus and a pile of homework to chart our monthly fortunes. Nothing interesting happened, but at dinner a rumor spread of Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret as Ron referred to him as. Apparently Moody and transformed Draco Malfoy into a snow white ferret and bounced him down the hall before McGonagall stopped him.

I regretted missing the wondrous event, but it certainly made the whole school excited for their own chance to be in Moody’s class, a thing I wouldn’t have the pleasure of till Thursday.         


I wanted to apologize for the time it took, I struggled with the chapter a lot so I'm sorry if you don't consider it up to your standards.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2012 ⏰

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