Episode 1

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Over a brightly animated storybook sequence, a cheerful female voice narrates a familiar tale: "Once upon a time, there was a kind, beautiful girl named Cinderella. She was always tormented by her stepmother and stepsisters. But one fateful day, she met a wonderful prince and lived happily—"

The animation shatters. "...ever after. Bullshit!"

We're back to reality as EUN HA-WON (Park So-dam) works an espresso machine. "Cinderella's nowadays don't have time to meet princes because of their damned part-time jobs!" she narrates. It's part-time jobs galore for Ha-won, who works as a waitress, cashier, dog-walker, etc.

The narration continues, "Moreover, 'princes' nowadays are just huge douchebags!" Enter a douchebag flanked by two women, who kicks a fork away just as Ha-won's about to pick it up. "They've got a Casanova complex and are so damn haughty. I wish someone would tell them to drop their high and mighty act!"

The Cinderella book gets tossed aside, and we see Ha-won at another job, babysitting. She ends the story with a lesson: "And that's why you mustn't wait around for some stupid prince, but rely on yourself to survive instead. Got that?" The children concur, and Ha-won flings a rolled-up diaper which lands on the book, heh. Poo-poo to fairytales!

Ha-won is all smiles riding on her moped. She admires the view of college boys playing basketball on the courts before she delivers their pizza to them. Next month, she'll be in college too, and she can't wait.

Ha-won witnesses a man in front of her dismount his motorcycle and beat four guys to a pulp before reclaiming a purse. His face obscured by his helmet, Ha-won immediately suspects he's a delinquent, and follows him for several miles.

Just when she thinks she's lost him, she spots him returning the purse to a grateful woman. She offers to repay him, but he zooms off on his motorcycle. The woman's left swooning and expresses to Ha-won that she may have found her Prince Charming thanks to her glass slipper, aka her purse. Ha-won scoffs at the metaphor, but is glad to know that decent guys still exist.

PARK HYE-JI (Sohn Na-eun) waits for someone in a hotel lobby. KANG HYUN-MIN (Ahn Jae-hyun) appears with arm candy, and Hye-ji calls him out for dating her friend. He's not ashamed, however, and responds with this: "To me, there are only two kinds of women in this world. One, girls whom I've already dated. And two, girls I'll date later." Alrighty then!

KANG JI-WOON (Jung Il-woo), the "Prince Charming" from earlier arrives, and Hyun-min decides to push his buttons. Hyun-min wonders why Ji-woon is hanging around this hotel when he's not interested in the Haneul Group family business.

Unfazed, Ji-woon retorts that he may become the company heir, which causes Hyun-min to scoff. Hyun-min warns him to know his place and calls him trash, provoking Ji-woon to grab him by the collar and threaten him, even though he's the older hyung. Hyun-min marvels at his audacity.

Ji-woon denies his relation to someone like Hyun-min, and Hyun-min finally leaves. Hye-ji advises Ji-woon to avoid his cousin, and he suggests she follow her own advice, since she has such terrible taste in men.

After ending her shift at the convenience store, Ha-won gladly collects all the food that expired today, much to her boss's disgust. She comes home to a stepmother and stepsister noshing on fried chicken. They barely acknowledge her, but they do remember to reprimand her.

Ha-won apologizes, and stepsister CHOI YOO-NA chirps that Ha-won's uselessness originated from her dead mother. Ha-won hears all this, but puts on a smile before entering her cramped sunroom/bedroom.

Her desk is covered with job listings from newspapers and ads. In between bites of just-expired hot dog, she makes plans to nab another part-time job to meet her financial goal of four million won (roughly $4,000), which will cover her college tuition. She's very close, and she squeals in excitement.

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