Chapter Twenty Eight

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(A/N: ok guys I know it's been a while and I wanted to update; sorry! I hope every one got a chance to watch 1D Day successfully and have as good of a time as I did. I had a big planning few minutes and now have a lot of ideas and stuff coming up. a big thanks to the best cuzz ever for helping me so much! ok enjoy!)

December 4 (about 2 months after)

"Haz you ok you seem a bit....sick?" I said through the phone getting my cloths ready for another Monday morning tomorrow. He sighed and shuffled his position.

"I don't think so, I feel like shit. I think i'm coming down with something."

"Shit." I mumbled. Let me catch you up a bit, that day at starbuck, the next day I found out Andrew and Tom are cousins. Yeah I know. Andrew came here to help Tom's attitude but that didn't exactly help now did it. Once I got over the fact he was related to the enemy, we got closer. Harry was ok with it and everything was good. Once and only once did he slip and say that harry was hot...that ended with a head slap.

"I know."

"Okay well get some rest it's late. I'll talk to you soon." I told him.

"Good idea, night baby girl." I smiled to myself and hung up.

"Was that your loverrrr?" Noah said at my door mocking me.

"Shut up." I said tossing the nearest pillow at the door. He's such a child.

My cell caught my attention as it lit up with my cousin's face on it; Shay.

"Hey Shay, I haven't talked to you in a while." I said through the phone.

"Hey putch." I smiled at our old nick names we called each other.

"Aw my boo, I almost forgot."

"How could you!?" She teased.

"Holy shit! Guess what!" I squealed."I forgot to tell you it's been that long!"

"What! What! Tell me what!" She excitedly asked.

"I have a boyfriend. his name is Harry and I have been dating him for about 3 months now."

"OH MY GOD! My putch got a boyfriend! Is he hot?"

"As hell." I laughed. I missed her so much.

"I guess i'm going to meet him."

"What?" I asked puzzled.

"Yep! because i'm coming...surprise! I'm getting a job and an apartment. I'm going to start looking for a collage and go from there." (btw she's 19, she wanted to take off a bit before going to collage.)

"That's great! I cant wait to see you. I hope you can meet Harry. He might be becoming sick though right now."

"Oh too bad, but he will be better soon and I'll meet him then."

"You're right....anyway he kind of reminds me of you."

"Me? Really why?"

"Let's just say he could have the Brooklyn attitude but he's from London."

"Ohh a Brit! Nice going!"

"I know I love his accent I always tease him about it."

"I bet. I have to go so I'll talk to you soon alright. Text me when you can."

"You got it, night."


I hop in the shower then change into some pjs. I played my black veil brides songs and fell asleep. God I love them. Andy is like perfect, Harry obviously isn't a big fan just because I think that. I know he loves them though. It's so weird that I know him. Andy's Noah's old friend and they're still close to this day. Andy and I have been decently close too since he's a bit younger than Noah. Closer to my age. I should talk to him soon, you know after I tell harry that I know him....ok that can wait.

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