"You got me a phone?!"

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School went by fast, mainly just the same as yesterday.

-Got to school
-Walked in with Ash and Jack
-Got the evils and hate from the girls we went past
-Went to classes
-Ate lunch with Ryan and his friends again
-After school I met Tom and Ryan 
-Went home and that was that.

I walk in to my room and instantly collapse onto my bed. Just as I was starting to relax, someone spoke behind me.

"Hey Zoe, you alright?"

"Yep. I'm gonna sleep. Stressful day"

"Oh okay, Night..."the door closes and I relax.

I can't deal with Jack's attitude right now, so I will 'sleep'



I shoot up and out of my bed when I hear screaming.

I look around in a panic only to see Joe, Jack and Ash standing in the door frame. Joe giggling, Jack covering his mouth trying not to laugh and Ash holding his phone in the air, like he is recordin... wait.

"You better not be recording this.. I swear if you are!"

Their eyes widen and look at Ash, which was laughing too much to notice what I had said.

I look at them, then to Ash then to them again. Me and Jack speak through out minds and he takes Joe out the room.

"Guys, where you going?" Ash says trying to stop laughing.

"Your phone."


"Your phone. NOW!"

"Um... Dinners ready!" He says and runs out the door, shutting it behind him so I couldn't go after him.


After changing into more comfortable clothes, I make my way downstairs and into the dining room.

"Sorry I'm late, got a bit distracted" I say, looking at the three boys sitting in front of me.

"Its okay sweetie, come on, sit down. Food should be out in a minute" Mary said


"Once everyone is done, me and John have something for Zoe."

Everyone turns away from their food and looks at me. Welp, I'm done eating then..

"Really? You didn't have to."

"Yes we did. The boys needed a way to contact you during and after school, so it was easier. Just seeing as you don't want to be carrying your laptop around when your rushing."

Am I hearing this right?

"Wait? You got me a phone?"

"Yeah, you need one Zoe. We have to hope your going to be out front and not get a lift with Ryan." Ash says.

"Wow... Why do you hate Ryan so much?!" I start shouting.

John coughs and gets my attention.

"Sorry.. I shouldn't shout at the table. Thank you so much for the phone." I say as I take it off the table and put it on my lap.

"May I be excused please?" I asked with hope.

"Of course sweetie! See you tomorrow morning bright and early!"

I nodded and went to my room, leaving everyone else at the table.


I was currently getting out the shower, when I heard a call coming through on Skype.

I walked over to my phone, that I had set up and synced to my laptop, and opened the app.

Once I knew who it was, I tapped answer and put the phone down quickly.

"Hey Zo. What you doing?"

"Hey Ryan. I'm getting changed. Gimmi a sec will ya." I say laughing a bit.

"Fair enough. Let me know when your done yeah?"

"Will do. Just a second."

Once I was done I turned the camera on and showed my laptop.

"Zoe? Why are you showing me a laptop? Wait. That's what you Skype on. What am I on now?!"

"A phone Ryan.."

"When did you get a phone and didn't tell me?"

"Like 2 hours ago. Give me a break." I said turning the camera around, so he could see me.

"I'm joking Zoe. Guessing you just got out the shower?"

"Yeah, send me your number and I'll text you!"

"On it!" He says, as I get a notification saying he had sent me a message.

A knock startles me and I know who it is already.

"I'll text you R. Night"

"Night Zo!"

We hang up and the door flings open without me being near.

"Excuse me! Privacy!"

"Why were you talking to him?"

"Because he is my friend Ash! Why do you not like him?"

"I don't trust him. Especially with you."

"Eh! He's actually nice to me! Forget it. Get out I'm going to bed!" I shout.

He looks at me apologetically and walks out.

I spend the next few hours texting Ryan. Then end up going to bed.


Longest chapter I think I've ever written... Wow. Its not even long :(

Hope its going okay. Please let me know. Negative or not. Would appreciate it if you could let me know? :)


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