BOOK 1, CH.2: The Leaving ; a New Start

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Book 1: Earth
Chapter 2: the leaving; a fresh start

the northern water tribe.
"POW POW POW!"Mae performed a quick series of waterbending attacks, bending the water, forming an ice pillar.    

"Good," examined her waterbending instructor Senna (btw, its a he). Senna was a master water bender, the best of all the southern water tribe. Years ago, he sailed down from the northern water tribes to pass the traditions and (secrets). Techniques of the larger sister tribe.

Mae continued, slicing chunks of ice off the pillar she made. She aimed ag the big punching bad which hung at the end of the field as it violently flung around.

"Remember," said Senna calmly. "Its not only about speed. Precision is more important."

With a wave of his hand, he pulled up an boulder of ice. As the punching bag swung around quickly from the wind, Senna squinted his eyes. At just the right moment, he striked, and water flushed and knocked down the bag.

"You see," he said, "I waited. Then striked. Bending is not a series of thoughtless strikes. You need to wait for the right moment, then strike." As he said it, he blew another perfectly aimed shot at the bag.

"You try, Mae."

Mae breathed deeply and focused her mind. She looked at the bag, swinging around. Her eyes followed it like it was hypnotosing her. She felt the vivid movement of the bag. Then, at the right moment, she stroke. A powerful wave hit the bag, causing it to completely fall down.

"Good, very good," said Senna, impressed.

"Senna, please listen to me. I'm the avatar and I need to master all four elements. Not just do waterbending forever! Frustrated, she set a blow to the ground. She had this argument every training session since a month ago.

"Please, I can earthbend. I can firebend. But I'm not very good though. I know how to do it, but I need a real master to teach me. I can't just be stuck on waterbending forever.

Senna's expression hardened.

"Enough, Mae. You are in the middle of your waterbending training. You have hardly even mastered it, yet you want to leave your hometown and start learning the other elements? Nonsense!"

Mae growled. "I'm the avatar. Im supposed to leave my home to learn all the elements! See! I'll show you!" She lunged forward and gestured for the ground to crack a bit. Then she let out a weak plume pf fire.

"See, I can earthbend. I can firebend. Please, Senna. You've gotta get me."

"As the duty of the avatar, they must master their original element first, before learning the others." Senna retorted.

"Then lets have a duel! If you beat me, I will teain with you until you think I am ready. If I win, please allow me to train the other elements!" Mae suggested.

Senna sighed. "Very well. If you insist. We will have a duel."

He raised his arms up, and lunged forward, in ready position. Mae did the same. Without hesitation, Senna stroke, summoning a huge pool of water and flung it at Mae. Mae gracefull dodged the attack, and took control of the water, and redirected it back at Senna. Acting quickly, Senna pulled out a boulder of ice from the ground. He sliced chunks and aimed ghem at Mae. Mae used the water to form a barrier protecting her. She carefully eyed Senna. Then she remembered his advice: ""Remember, its not only about speed. Precision is more important.
She decided to take his advice. Seeing Enna through the water, she could see he was busy getting a ball of water into his hands. She squinted. And got ready to strike.

Avatar: The Legend of Mae (avatar the last airbender fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant