BOOK 1, CH.1: The Discovery

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70 years ago, Avatar Aang and his friends saved the world from the Fire Nation and the hundred year war, and bringing back peace and balance back to world. Now...Aang's life has come to an end. Now a new avatar awaits....
Book 1: Earth
Chapter 1: The Discovery
Its cold, it's dark. All around me is shadow, I cry. I wail and howl, crying for my life. I'm scared, I'm alone. Then, a burst of red erupts the pitch darkness. I hear sizzling, and the red shadows are coming closer. But wait, its not shadows, its hot. The flame silently surrounds me, traps me in, a whirlpool of heat trapping me. I scream. I try to move, try to flail my arms about but I can't. I'm stuck, confined to the crib of steels bars I am in. I try to kick my legs, but there is a thick sheet of fabric constricting me. I scream with all my might. But its no use. The fire is slowly consuming me. The heat is unbearable, and yet all I can do is scream in sheer pain while the crib I am in starts roaring with flames.
Then, a hand. There's a hand reaching towards me. A gentle hand. It gently and lovingly picks me up, and the fire slowly dissolves.

She wakes up, and shivers with cold sweat. She sits up on her bed, or rather, a hammock made of straw and fishes her slipper with one foot.

"Ma", she whispers, patting her shoulder. Ma groans and shifts.

"Ma!" She pushes her side again, this time with more urgency. Ma groans and rubs her left eye.

"What, is it you, Mae...?" She drowsily mumbles.

"Ma, I had a bad dream, what's the time?" The girl asks. Ma shifts again.
"I don't know, go back to sleep."

"I can't."

Ma sighs and mutters "Its only a dream," and with that, she doses off again. Mae shivers. Only a dream....only a dream..... But it can't be. Too vivid and real. Too real to be only a dream. It seemed almost like She shakes from the cold and climbs back to her hammock, but she refuses to sleep.
A while later, border of Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation, Katanu Town, daytime, the market
"I'll have two snail-fish heads and four hermit shellsrooms please," says a brisk girl, this one's name is Makei.
The counter guy sighs and drools. "Sowray young ladaayy, but no snail-fish hads tooday, I'll give your half price for four-headed fish!" He blurted, holding up the slimy fish, trying to sell it with his croocked smile.
"Nice try, but no thanks", Makei replies in disgust, as she sees the greenish slime drool down the fish."

She slides the money across the counter and hops away, her brother, by the name of Fung trailing close behind.

"Makei, argh, why did you have to buy the hermit shellshrooms! That money was for my bear jerky! Fung exclaims, his arms bobbing up and down like a yoyo.

"Sorry bro," retorts Makei, casually tossing a shellshroom inside her mouth, "but mum's cooking orders are first!"

The two walk along the rocky path as the nearby street stores advertise their fresh food. The scorching sun shines down on the two, with Makei casually flipping her long brown pigtail braids and Fung trailing behing, carrying all the groceries.

"Makei!!? A little help here?"

"Sorry bro, you need to train your little puny muscles, after all, earthbe-"
Makei stopped as she slipped on a rock and felt the ground beneath her slide.
"Oww!" She looked down, and she was nearly doing the splits. Suddenly, their was a riiipppp sound. Slowly, she looked down and she say her pants were splitting.
Behind her, her brother couldn't contain his laughter. Fuming with anger, her face flushed with embarrassment. Her pants now officially had a huge rip. She could hear the kids near her choking with laughter. Makei was fuming now. She quickly dragged Fung by his collar to the edge of the street.
"Ugh, c'mon lets go!" She sneered as she held up her pants. Fung snorted in masses of laughter.
"Okay okay! But where we going?" He said in between snorts of laughter.
"The shortcut," Makei responded. Wow. Talk about quick change of mood. Makei dragged Fung to a small, dark and drab alley nestled in between two rotting buildings, with dark ivory claiming the buildings as their own. It was a small path they had stumble upon a few years ago. It was a shortcut that led to their house which saved more than ten minutes. Without walking all around the town, the dark alleyway weaved through old abandoned buildings that were destroyed in the hundred year war. No one, hardly ever, went during the alleyway. Those who went in the nighttime said their were ghosts.

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