An incident

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As I walked down the dark alleys, mind twisted in fear and a sense of horror filled my thoughts. Not finding even a single vehicle plying on the road, I decided to walk down the dark street, a hunch of an approaching mishappening sent a chill down my spine.

My hands and legs froze in the cold wintry night, mind drenched in a state of darkness.Will this just be a walk down the road, or would leave me shattered into a million pieces? Will I remain safe this night ?
Those thoughts came by and filled the periphery of my mind. Keeping aside those fears, with a false hope that those fears won’t come true I started my journey down the road in the snowy night.

I was almost half way through and was about to reach my home; when suddenly my eyes fell on a car behind, following me. Being tired and exhausted after a long day at the office, I waved my hands for a lift.
Luckily enough, the car stopped by and I got a lift, finally. Just half a mile away from home, the driver turned left towards the forest range. I shouted, “Hey!what are you doing ? Why did you change the route?” He looked at me with a grin, his eyes symbolising terror.

The kind of fear I felt that day; I wish never do my gravest enemies experience such a nightmare ever in their lives.

My pleas fell on deaf ears, as he handcuffed me inside the car. Soon enough few other guys one with a gun in his hand reached the spot, those moments of intense pain,made me cry and shout for help.

Seeing me, shout for help one of the guy, probably the leader of the pack shoved a gun inside my mouth. While another guy held my neck and started strangulating me.

My mouth was bleeding profusely, I could taste my own blood. My voice crying help fell onto oblivion and a state of paleness. They ripped off my clothes, and raped me. Wait ! what, yes; you heard me right. I was raped.
This was not the end, the leader of the pack of monsters started beating me up, as if there was an old vendetta between me and him.

At that moment, I could think of nothing but the pain; the pain of my spirit wanting to die; the pain that every girl has faced falling prey to such brutality. My body gave up completely. I could hardly move. The only resentment that laid was I could still breathe.

The oxygen in your lungs often seem lame when you're desirous of passing to the eternal home.

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