The Vault

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My vision has been haunting me. I asked my father if I could take the day off and go to the vault. It's where all the books on prophecy are kept. The vault is amazing it is probably the most beautiful building I have ever been in. It is of course spelled by magic. As soon as you walk in your can feel the vibrations running through your body. It's almost like an electrical current. A total feeling of calmness washes over your body. The walls are made of gold and gemstones. I have no idea why they made it so elaborate. I think it might be because the gemstones have magical properties and it helps to protect the important documents. I love to trace my fingers over the rubies, sapphires, diamonds and emeralds. I could spend hours in the vault and never touch a book. The way it makes you feel is hard to describe. 

I've read through the books, journals and documents countless times already and with my photographic memory I could recall them all if I tried. However, I was hoping holding the books in my hand might evoke a vision or I could somehow find some guidance I missed. Sadly, that was not the case. I spent all day and nothing. You have no idea how frustrating this is to me. On a good note the woman who watches over the vault made me some tasty chocolate chip cookies. I ate the whole tray and three glasses of milk.  She seemed to welcome the company. And who am I to hurt her feelings? I had to show my appreciation by eating a lot of cookies. Hopefully, I will have another vision soon to lead me in the right direction. Even though I have the gift of sight I often feel blind. 

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