A Typical Day

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 I figure I’ll describe a typical day in my life. My alarm goes off at 5:30 in the morning. I wouldn't say I am a morning person, but I have adapted to this schedule. After getting out of bed I drop to the floor and do some push ups, pull-ups (yes, I have a pull-up bar in my room), and sit-ups. Like all elves that are born to be warriors, I’m home schooled after sixth grade. This is my first year of home schooling. I have to say it's not so bad. I can pretty much do my schoolwork on my own schedule. I have more time to play Xbox, which is, of course, awesome. 

The time I spend at the camp is strictly regulated. The training is brutal, but also a lot of fun. For elves, the forming of the military mindset starts from birth, but at camp it's reinforced. I think the other kids think I get off easy, because my father is the leader of the Light, AKA the Elfin Army. This couldn't be further from the truth. I feel like I have more pressure on me because he is my father. Not to mention the pesky little detail that I am supposed to save us all. I've been avoiding it so far, but my father told me I had to write about my visions or I would not get full credit for this assignment. 

 My visions are private. The only person I've really explained them to is my father. I feel strange writing about them in a journal even though no one will ever read this. My visions are hard to explain, and I'm sure they are different for everyone with this gift. I don't think it's a gift at all. To be honest I long for a clear mind free from visions. My visions are almost constant, which can be VERY annoying. The only time I truly get a break from them is when I fall asleep. Some people have to see someone to get a vision or touch them, but that is not the case with me. Of course when I am near a person, my visions do tend to be more vivid. Thankfully, I cannot see my own future. It's bad enough I can see the future of the people closest to me. I know how my parents will die. Thankfully, they will be old. 

 An example of a vision I just had. I saw flashes of red and black; my aunt Brigid looks annoyed about something. More flashes of color and then she tripped down the stairs. I really don't want to know what goes on at my Aunt's private house. What I do want to do is pick up the phone and say, "Hey, Brig I'd steer clear of the stairs today." However, I'm not allowed to. I'm not supposed to interfere in the outcome of fate. Which is ridiculous — if I could save her from falling down the stairs, why shouldn't I? Most of the visions I get are harmless. But there are some that are much more intense. I really hate when I have a vision of someone dying, which is why I tend to stay home most of the time. For instance, something as simple as going out to a store turns into a kind of nightmare. I'll see the death of a cashier in a car crash or an old lady taking her last breath. I feel like I should stop it, but I can't. The main rule of a seer is you are not to interfere with destiny. You might wonder why I don't anyway. To be honest, I'm afraid of the outcome if I did. What if I really messed up fate? I did break this rule once. I couldn't stand the fact of seeing my sister dying. We fight a lot and all, but still she's my sister. If I can save her from dying I must try.  I'll save that story for tomorrow’s entry.

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