Chap 1: Hogwarts

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   |Dawn Orphanage|
     Hello, I'm Caroline August, I am twelve years old. I have curly light brown hair, my eyes are blue and I'm short. I am a muggle-born girl who lives in Dawn Orphanage, in London, England. My caretaker of the Orphanage is Mrs. Blake. She has taken care of me since I came here, she never told me of what happened to my parents. I never wanted to know.
Things has been going strange since I was younger. I did things without touching them or being near anything. Mrs. Blake always made sure I wasn't in any trouble. She hid the fact that I had any strange happenings, bloody hell, she was hiding something from me. I could not figure out what it could be. I am different.

Till my eleventh birthday, she handed me a envelope with my name on it.

"Caroline, this letter came for you." Mrs. Blake says, smiling and handed it to me.

"What is it?"

"Open it." She nods.

"Hogwarts? What is this, Mrs. Blake? Is this a joke?" I glance at her from my seat.

"No, Caroline. It's not, actually." I stare at her. "You realize the strange happenings that have happened when you are around?" I nod. "You are not normal, Caroline August. You have inherited what you are of your parents."

"What? I am normal." She shakes her head.

"You are part of this different world, Caroline. It's filled with magic, spells and wizards and witches. Your parents were both. Though, your mother was a Muggleborn witch. Your father a half-blood wizard."

"How do you know this?" I ask Mrs. Blake.

"Caroline," She reached for something in her desk drawer. It was a stick. "This is a wand. You cast spells with it and it helps with other things too. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has held some wonderful students and some bad ones."

"This is real, then? No joke?" She shakes her head.

The stick--wand in her hand, she said a word I never heard of and a clear white animal that looked like a bird, flew across the room and on her desk.

"This is a patronus. You think of a happy thought and say 'Expecto Patronum' and your animal that is you comes out and protects you from harm. You'll learn it in your third or fourth year."  I could not believe it.

"So, you're a witch? And you knew of me this while time? Is that why when I had strange happenings, you never got me in trouble?" She nods. "When I leave?" She points to the letter. "Tomorrow!? Honestly?" Mrs. Blake nods.

"School supplies, we will go right now. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Long are witches too. Though, they have decided on helping children the muggle way. Grab your coat, Caroline."

I left the Orphanage with Mrs. Blake, we went into the inner city and we stopped at a pub. It was shaggy looking and dirty. A man walked to us as we entered, he smiled at my caretaker and we went out to the back entry. We were stuck in a closed area. What? She taps the brick wall. It separated and there was a whole new area of London.

"This is Diagon Alley, Caroline. It's for Witches and Wizards. This is where we buy your school supplies." I followed her and we went to the different shoppes.

There at the wand shoppe, I had gotten a wand like Mrs. Blake had shown me. A 14 inch; Dragon heartstrings with phoenix hair. What!? Dragon? There's real dragons!? What the bloody hell is a Phoenix!? She could not explain much to me as I was to learn that all at Hogwarts. We finished with some food and drinks at a place called the Leaky Cauldron. I had a Butterbeer? I had no idea what it was, but it was so good.

~~~ ~~~~

"Now, we go through the barrier and there is platform 9 and 3/4." We ran into the wall and made it onto a train platform. "You must hurry, Caroline. Write an owl to me as much as you can. Tell Albus Dumbledore I said hello, huh?" She smiles at the man's name .

"Yes, Mrs. Blake." I hugged her and went on the train.

I walk through to find an empty compartment, as I was settling in, two boys walked by. A darked skin boy and a pale skin blonde boy, who had both stared at me through the glass. The Dark skinned boy grins sheepishly as they walk away. Strange.

Some students walk into the compartment, they all look mean. Then those two who had walked by a few minutes before sat on either side of me. They sat very close to me. I didn't like it.

"I'm Blaise. This is my best mate, Draco. And you are?" The dark skinned boy says, smiling.

"Caroline. Caroline August." The other students all smirked. Blaise laughes and the one Draco, grins.

"Sorry, we have never heard that name before."

"It's a common name."

"Well, we have not. Merlin's beard, it's true." Draco punched a fat boy.

"Bloody hell Crabbe, shut it!"

They had been nice, except for some students walking by, but the new friends of mine were different. Much different.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

We were all packed in the middle the Great Hall, waiting to be sorted. I was first.

"Caroline August, you have great ambition like Slytherin, you are smart like Ravenclaw and you have loyal traits like Hufflepuff. You are brave like Gryffindor. Gryffindor!" The sorting hat says, and I head to the cheering table on the left of me.

Blaise and Draco smirked at me, what the bloody hell? Are they happy I am in Gryffindor? Gits!

"Hello, I'm Hermione!" A bushy haired girl sits across from me.

"Hello, I'm Caroline."

A black haired boy is sorted and the hat places him in Gryffindor. He has a scar on his head.
After the feast, the lady named McGonagall called for me to follow her to Dumbledore's office. We walk in, he asks me to sit and have some lemon. I took some and it was candy.

"Miss. August, you have been not told of what you are until yesterday, thus, seeing you as your parents. I will tell you what Mrs. Blake has not mentioned. She has told you of your parents not being muggle, your magic happenings and her being a witch herself."

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore. Mrs. Blake says hello." I nod.

"Your father, George August, was a half-blood wizard. Half-blood are when a pureblood and a muggle-born are together. Your mother, was pure muggle born. No one in her family was magical. That is why you think you are a muggle, because of Mrs. Blake taking care of you." He looks over to me. "It is best in the future, that what happens, you must do what is to become of you. No matter the reason or the harm you are in, you will be brave and courage."

"Yes, Professor."

"That is all, Miss August." I walk out with McGonagall as she walks me to Gryffindor Tower.

"What happened?" Hermione asks, as I walk into the doorway.

"Nothing, honestly. He says I needed to know something of being brave and such." I shrug as we walk up the stairs to the girl's dormitory.

It was a good first night at Hogwarts. I still wondered of those boys I met on the train. I did not notice which houses they were placed in. I'll find out tomorrow.

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