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         We defeated Voldy and killed him. He's finally dead. Mother and father saw the right side and avoided Azkaban. Blaise, Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and all our friends went through the rest of our Hogwarts schooling until we graduated. 

   Blaise and I decided to stay married as we were crazy for each other. Our daughter Charlotte came home from the Orphanage after we killed Voldemort. Now, we were eighteen and been married since we were twelve years old. 

 It didn't matter to me anymore. I was in love with my husband and I wouldn't change it for the world. Seven years on and now we had forever. We had five more children. 

  Derrick Theodore Zabini. Heather Olivia Zabini. Anthony Jackson Zabini. And our third set of twins: Juliana Taylor and Sadie Pearl Zabini. 

 Draco and Hermione eventually fell in love on their own terms and stayed married like us. They had five more kids. Timothy Malfoy. Emily Malfoy. Penny Malfoy. Peter Malfoy. Cindy Malfoy

   Not long after graduation, Blaise had snogged Hermione once and that sparked falling in love with each other. Draco and I tried to shag again like when we were thirteen and had our son. Soon enough, we were all married to each other. Blaise with Hermione and I. Hermione with Draco and Blaise. Draco with Hermione and I. That meant, having kids with the opposite spouse ever once in awhile and it made marriage more exciting when we switched around from each other.   

    Draco and I had four more children together. Kathleen Malfoy. Garrett Malfoy. Jarred Malfoy. And Flower Malfoy. Blaise and Hermione had five children together. Dwayne Zabini. Wendy Zabini. Kali Zabini. Hector Zabini. And Lucas Zabini.

     We all found jobs. Mine wasn't a Ministry one as I decided to work at The Orphanage with Ms. Blake and the other ladies. Blaise and Draco found Ministry jobs and Hermione became secretary for Kingsley. 


Sixteen Years Later: 

           Alexander was going into his sixth year. A Slytherin. Victor and Charlie were in Gryffindor and their fifth year. My son Draco the Second that I had with Draco, was in his fifth year and a Slytherin like his father. Mark and Charlotte are in their fourth year and Ravenclaws. Derrick in Slytherin and his third year. Heather in her second year and a Hufflepuff. Anthony and the twins had to wait another year or so. 

   Draco and Hermione's oldest, Jacob was with Alex in Slytherin. Their son, Henry was in Gryffindor with Victor and Charlie. Our other children were still too young to go to Hogwarts and they had to wait a few more years before going. 

  Once we arrived home, Draco took me into our bedchambers as Blaise and Hermione went into theirs. My husband and I shagged on every inch of our room until we landed in the shower. Afterwards, we continued to shag in our bed and said sweet nothings to each other. 

 "Draco, I'm pregnant." He stops thrusting and looks down at me. "It's yours. We're gonna have another baby." 

 He begins to hump faster and with joy as I moan in pleasure. "I love you, Car!" 

"I love you!" 

  ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

  "Blaise and I are pregnant, too." Hermione says excitedly as he kisses her temple. 

           Switch husbands, she tells me in our Malfoy mind connection. 

  I walk away from Draco and stand next to Blaise. That's when we go into our respective bedchambers with the proper and first spouse pair. 

  "Do you want more kids with me, Car-Car?" My first husband asks as I smile bright. 

 "Yes! I definitely want more with you, Blaisy!" 

 "I love you!" 

"I love you." 

Four Years Later: 

    Draco and I had triplets. Nox Malfoy. Elizabeth Malfoy. Asher Malfoy. Hermione and Blaise had two: Dakota Zabini and Kirk Zabini. 

   Blaise and I had twins again. fourth set. Walker Zabini and Macy Zabini. Hermione and Draco had triplets. Sally Malfoy. Mason Malfoy. Amy Malfoy. 

   "We make marriage interesting, do we not?" Draco says as he wraps his arm round Hermione. 

 "I am glad we gave it a chance, mate. I surely enjoy it. What about you, Car?" 

"Yes, I think so, too." I yawn. "I'm tried, Blaise." 

 We stand from the sofa before going into our chambers. 

 "I don't feel like such a prisoner now and I love being your wife." 

"I'm glad to hear you say that, Car. I love you." 

"I love you too." We laid in bed together and cuddled close before falling asleep. 

  We continued to have children for five more years. Draco and I stopped at fifteen children. He and Hermione stopped at sixteen children. Blaise and I stopped at eighteen children. Hermione and Blaise stopped at fifteen children. 


                                             The End 

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