Casual Clothing Conundrum

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Clothes shopping. Certainly not something Adrien would have expected himself to be doing... Well, ever. He lived with a freaking fashion designer, and he was a freaking model. Clothes shopping never really seemed like it was going to be an issue for the blond haired teenager. But seeing as he didn't own anything particularly casual, he'd decided to do a bit of shopping.

He was just looking for something like a grey hoodie. Something very casual, like Nino has suggested. He'd spotted a few that caught his eye rather quickly, but at the same time, he wanted to put some effort in, and these hoodies looked like they'd been pulled out of a garbage tip.

"How is it possible to fail at shopping for casual clothes?..." Adrien muttered to himself, before stepping outside the store he was in and re-entering the streets.

"Is the model having some trouble lowering himself to the common man's height?" Plagg taunted from inside Adrien's jacket. He was rested just underneath his human partner's collar, so he could be heard clearly by Adrien, but not seen.

"I'm not exactly used to buying clothes myself." The blond teenager said with an irritated sigh. "I'm a model. Father throws some clothes at me, tells me to wear them, I wear them, and I strike a pose for the cameras. I don't really choose my own clothing. this is the first time I've actually had the choice... And I've got no idea how to pick something out."

"Do you think Marinette would seriously mind you showing up in whatever?"

"That's not the point. I want to show her I'm at least trying to make an effort here."

"So go in the tux."

"To a freaking funfair?"

"Why not?"

"You... Exasperate me sometimes, Plagg. You really do."

"How d'ya think I feel, kid? I've got to put up with you going on about Marinette every waking minute of the day now! I swear you're the only kid on this rock who puts this much thinking into their casual appearance!"

"You don't know people these days too well then." Adrien sighed. He walked down the street a bit further until he came across another clothes shop. Taking a step inside, he found just the sort of jacket he had been looking for within just a few moments. At a rather reasonable price of about twenty-five Euros, Adrien had purchased a dark grey hoodie. Something casual, that didn't stand out too much, but at the same time, still looked nice, and showed he was trying to look nice.

That task completed, the teenage boy made his way back to his house, his recently purchased article of clothing in a bag in his hand. It was weird to Adrien, to feel so absolutely carefree and happy about things. Normally he had to deal with a mountainous pile of stress and worry, from his modelling work, to being Chat Noir, to getting basic school work done and everything in between.

Him feeling this good, this undeniably good about everything around him, everything that was happening to him... He was beyond certain it couldn't be real. But it was. And that made it all so much better for the boy. He would have started skipping his way home were he not in public, and was sorely tempted to anyway.

Adrien dared not tell his father about his date with Marinette, for fear he would disapprove and refuse to let him actually go on said date come Wednesday. He wasn't prepared to risk that possibility happening. Instead, he had told his father that he was going to a friends to work on a school project, and that Marinette's house had all the supplies they needed to finish the project.

Since Gabriel only fleetingly knew Marinette, he seemed to accept that excuse, under the condition that Adrien be back no later than 11PM, and that he would send Gorilla with one of their vehicles should Adrien be there that late. It had been a lot more lenient than the blond Parisian had been expecting, so he accepted those conditions readily.

He doubted that they would actually be at the funfair for that long, but that was good all the same. That gave them the time they needed to get back to Marinette's house and do...

...Whatever it was they would end up doing at Marinette's house.

"Are you gonna want me to be coming along with you, kid?" Plagg asked, hovering above Adrien's computer monitor. He was currently skimming through various emails he had received during the day, the vast majority of them spam mail.

The honest truth was Adrien didn't want Plagg around on their date, but if something happened that needed Chat Noir... "I guess we don't really have much of a choice." Adrien commented with a sigh. "It's too dangerous to not take you along."

"Great." Plagg commented with sarcasm. "Another night of listening to you two lovebirds. I already feel sick."

"It's a shame I need you to actually merge with me to use my powers." Adrien smirked. "Otherwise I could just completely forgo you altogether."

"As long as you kept me fed, I wouldn't care."

"I know you wouldn't, buddy. I know you wouldn't." As Adrien said this, he skimmed through his messages on his social media pages, finding Marinette's account. He typed a quick message saying everything was sorted out on his end ready for Wednesday, as well as giving her the conditions his father had set for him. She wasn't online when he sent the message, probably out with Alya or someone else. He added a heart at the end of his message. Just for the hell of it.

I... Know that this chapter was short. I know it was unsatisfying... But there's literally nothing else that I've got ;-; Not for this chapter. I've decided Ill keep Soul Link going for a little bit longer, thanks to some great ideas you guys have been offering, but I'm still in need of some more from you guys.

Big thank you to DarkFirefillsme on Wattpad for a huge paragraph of responses and ideas. If you're on Wattpad reading this, go and find his comment, because that is the level of feedback that has inspired me to keep this story going just a little bit longer. Thank you very much good sir, that was all highly appreciated ^_^

Also, shout out to Charmfeather on, for a similar paragraph of ideas. You've given me a few pointers i didn't think of, and i may take them on board. 

Also, bit of news, my Superpowers/Traits AU is finally out!, It's called Miraculous: Dangerous Mutant, Gifted Girl - Superpowers-Traits AU, You can find it on and Wattpad. I would PERSONALLY recommend finding it on my Wattpad, GamingEmpire, because there is going to be artwork on there, and I'd love you all to see that . there will be little comic strips on it and the likes, and while it'll make the chapters take longer to write, it'll improve the experience, I feel. The choice however, is yours ^_^

I hope you enjoyed this chapter - not gonna leave my links because I feel I dont deserve to due to my lack of stuff to write in this chapter, but if you're interested, the other chapters should have the links, as should my profile description.

I'll do better next chapter, I promise ^_^'

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