How To Help

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Marinette woke up the next morning in a unusually good mood. She woke up like the whole world was as it was supposed to be, and she just couldn't explain why. She was just in a good mood. Climbing out of her bed, she stretched, and made her way to look over the city of Paris, the European city of love, from her balcony. It was a atypically sunny day for this time of year, and people we're already starting to filter out to their various districts, be those work, school, or otherwise.

She felt a cool gust of wind strike her face gently, running through her hair. The pleasant breeze felt good against her skin, helping her to wake up from her slightly groggy state. She took a long inhale though her nose, and let it all out in a nice, long sigh out the mouth.

Perhaps it was because she had finally had that talk with Chat the previous day.

It had been a talk she had really needed to have with her fellow miraculous wielder for the best part of a year now, but simply hadn't been able to bring herself to be able to. She needed to let Chat know her honest feelings about him - She just wasn't interested in him romantically. He wasn't a bad guy at all, not to get her wrong at all. He was a great guy. But... He wasn't her soulmate. The miraculous itself had told her so.

The fact the miraculouses had been giving out weird messages indicating whom their wearer was linked to had given her the perfect gateway to tell Chat what she felt. Despite being able to, and having the perfect excuse to bring up the conversation, she had been anxious to.

So it had been a massive relief to hear from Chat that he accepted her feelings. He had been happy for her, and offered his support. He was her friend. He was her partner. The best she could have asked for.

Perhaps if Adrien wasn't around, she might have given him a chance.

Although she had to admit, she was curious as to who his soul was linked to. but learning who that was could put his secrecy at risk, so she wouldn't pry. And besides, he said he didn't know anyway, so what would be the point. She hadn't mentioned her soulmate was Adrien Agreste for the same reason.

At least, she was confident he was.

The more things that happened, the more she became convinced that they were soulmates.

A warm smile made it's way onto her face as she thought about this. If they were... There wouldn't be enough words to describe how happy she would be. There really wouldn't. If she could only muster up the courage to even speak to the blond boy-of-her-dreams, she might be able to move things along. It was rather ironic when she thought about it. She was Ladybug one moment, the hero of Paris, confident and collected, never missing a trick, and unstoppable once she started going, and then the next, she was the clumsy, human train-wreck Marinette, who could barely remember to use her basic brain functions when in front of the boy she had liked for nearly a year now.

Remembering that today was still indeed a school day, she made her way back inside her bedroom, and began to change into her school clothes. Tikki was still sleeping, an unusual rarity for the usually energetic and friendly Kwami. Perhaps she was overworked? Either way, Marinette decided she would put Tikki in her bag so that she could sleep for longer.

Or she would have done if she wasn't blinded by her own miraculous once again. She was going to have to start wearing sunglasses inside if this kept up. Another message? Was this one serious, or was it a false alarm? Peeking with one eye, Marinette stole a glance at the text on her wall.

"Broken soul and optimism broken,

Feelings frozen, and rudely awoken.

The day goes by, filled with pain,

MariChat: Soul Link (SoulMates AU)Where stories live. Discover now