Her All Along

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Despite having separated from Ladybug after only conversing with her for a few moments, Chat didn't go straight to see Marinette until a couple of hours had passed. It mostly still felt way too early for him to go and see her, and he had to make sure that people knew he was around, so no one thought he went missing, or make it look like he was sneaking around to go to Marinette's on the off chance someone did see him.

The other part of him was wondering about various other occurrences that he should really be thinking about. The risks involved with talking to her as Chat were massive. If he was seen talking to her too frequently, that could impose a huge risk to her in itself. Then again, she had to be aware of those risks herself if she was the one who asked him to return, didn't she?

In spite of that, she had asked him to return, and so he would.

Another leap across a roof to another one brought Chat Noir ever closer to the bakery that the blue haired girl lived in. He could see her home from here, and thought to himself was she waiting for him? Expecting him? Or had she forgotten, and gone out with a friend?

Or maybe she'd changed her mind. Maybe she didn't want him to show up.

All very real possibilities, and all perfectly understandable in their own way. He wouldn't push her, regardless of whatever the situation was. If she asked him to leave, he would. He wasn't about to harass the girl.

He only wanted to confirm what he felt his soul was trying to tell him.

Making one final leap, there he was clinging from the bakery's wall, just above Marinette's window. He was here, after having done laps around the entire city for the last few hours. Now he was here, he thought to himself, what would be a fun way to mess with her?

He came up with a simple idea. He knocked on her window, and waited. Marinette did indeed open the window, and as well as proving she was in, proved that she had been waiting for Chat.

But he wasn't there. And the blue haired girl was clearly completely and utterly confused.

"What the?..." She muttered, looking around for any signs of Chat Noir, but finding nothing to indicate he had even been there. She scratched her head and went back inside her room, closing the windows.

She hadn't looked up, though.

Chat had been hanging upside down, almost expecting Marinette to certainly check up, where she would have seen Chat hanging upside down with a Cheshire grin.

This could work too though. Hell, this could be even better. He carefully lowered himself, so that he could see through her window. She was sat at her desk, sketching something in her drawing pad, constantly filling it with new ideas. Adrien had seen them all, and her talent was irrefutable.

He watched her for a little while. His plan was to wait for her to just happen to look out her window again. He imagined that she'd probably have a slightly angry reaction to that, but he was willing to take that risk. He smirked at the thought of seeing Marinette freaking the hell out for a second before realizing that it was just this dumb alley cat again.

Chat's jaw instead, despite being upside down, dropped.

"Uuuurgh, Tikki..." Marinette groaned, scribbling out one of her sketches, tearing out the page, and throwing it across the room in frustration. She couldn't get her regular drawing rhythm going. She was too distracted. by thoughts of Chat. By thoughts of Adrien. By thoughts of everything rushing into her head that set her skin alight. "Uwwaaaaaa, why are Soul Links so complicated?

"You're feeling frustrated?" Tikki asked. She had hovered across the room to collect Marinette's pencil sharpener, and held it out for the human girl to grab. Marinette showed the small Kwami an open palm, on which Tikki placed the metallic stationary equipment.

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