Always... Almost

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(A/N: OMG sorry I forgot about this. :D)

Story#6: Always… Almost

            I almost grinned as I walked through the halls of the school we’d spent our high school years in. We graduated a year ago. I almost grinned because Lance was walking toward me. He wore that heartbreaking smile that made me melt everytime it flashed right at me. His eyes were still that amazing shade of blue with golden flecks that gave the sky a run for its money. I saw his brown, curly hair flop over his brows, and he casually put it aside with his slender fingers, all without taking his eyes off mine.

            He was almost five feet away from me now, and he opened his arms for me as he got closer, like he always did every single day we saw each other during our days in this same school.

            He stopped right infront of me, smile still in place, and arms out wide to welcome me. My tears escaped when he slowly leaned down to eye level with me and placed his soft hands against my cheeks, his touch light and warm and felt fluffy on the inside, my heart filling with so much grief. He put his forehead to mine, and even if we were already somehow cross-eyed from the closeness of our faces as we gazed into each other’s eyes, we didn’t bother to close them.

            A broken sob tore through my chest when worry tore through his after he wiped his thumbs right under where tears were sadly dribbling down.

            “What are you staring at?” I demanded, pouting like a sulky child, tears still flowing. My hands were on his chest, and I gripped fistfuls of his shirt.

            “I love you. Always,” he simply whispered.

            I broke down into more sobs when I finally took his offer for me to embrace him and I found my arms around a break of air instead—

            It’s been a year, too, since the boy I love passed away that graduation day, and I valued encounters like that with him too much, because for the first time since then, my abilities to communicate with the dead… with the lost… felt like a gift.

            And so I almost grinned. Almost.

            But not quite.

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