First Catch

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Story#2: First Catch

            Love at first sight? No.

            But maybe love at first catch would do it.


            “I’m trying here, okay? Just wait a goddamn second!” I was almost there. I saw the red trimmings of the blue disc. I was way up on the tree now, my feet on a thin branch, my left arm awkwardly wrapped around another branch; my eyes catching a glimpse of the breathtaking view.

            I looked down.

            Wrong move.

            I swallowed. High. Too high.

            I was almost thirty feet above the ground. Nevermind the freaking view. I needed to figure out how to get down. No—I needed to get the Frisbee first—but I shouldn’t move up anymore. The branch I’m stepping on unattached itself from the tree. If I move, I fall. Certainly that wasn’t part of the plan.

            “Debbie! Are you alright up there?” I heard Megan. I managed a tiny nod.

            I extended my arm upward, toward the disc. You almost have it, Debbie. Prove it to the damn disc—that you deserve respect from it ‘cause you saved it. With that, my fingers felt the disc. I slowly edged it toward me, leaning extensively to its direction. I felt sweat dribble down my temple. Then I clutched it to myself, real close, real tight.

            “I got it! I got it!” I shouted to Megan and suddenly, the branch snapped beneath me. I lost my balance.

            I heard myself scream and I shut my eyes, waiting for the ground to swallow me whole.

            I was dizzy. It was so fast. Was I dead? Oh God, my mom would follow after me as soon as she found out I died for a disc! Damn! Damn! Damn!

            But right then, I became aware of someone under me, squirming, but had their arms wrapped securely around me, holding me real close. Real tight.

            “It’s Debbie, right? Are you okay?” My eyes fluttered open.

            So it was our new neighbor, Joe, who saved me. He was gorgeous—a swimmer, a painter, a smarty pants, an all around nice guy and soon to be resident hot guy. He didn’t talk much.

            “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry about that,” I pointed to small blades of grass stuck to his hair as he sat up, with me on his lap. I smiled.

            And when he smiled back, I knew he became my first love too. 

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