Skies Are Crying

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Story#4: Skies Are Crying

            She stepped out of the car, her feet on the grass, videocamera in hand.

            Her jaw dropped in awe, eyes sweeping over every inch of the lovely place before her—wildflowers, bright light, apple trees, lovebirds on their branches, a healthy green field, and a calm blue sky. She ran to the fields with a big smile on her face. She handed him the video camera when he followed her. He lifted the camera and focused it on them while he put his free arm around her slim waist.

            “Are you happy, Miss Olivia Hart?” he asked her, looking at the camera every once in a while.

            She smiled and waved before she answered him. “Yes, I’m perfectly happy,” she smiled some more then ran her fingers through his hair, “I love you for it.” she grinned.

            Still holding the video camera up, he leaned in to kiss her softly. She closed her eyes,feeling the gentle press of his lips on hers, light as a bird’s feather—no urgency, just a warm feeling.

            “I love you too. I’ve said it a million times, let me say it a million more.” He was able to give her another peck before she broke away from him.

            She laughed and twirled on the field like a child while he captured every millisecond of it on her camera.

            He stroked the waterproof covering of it as he watched her on screen, ecstatic to see her happy—she had severe headaches for days and all he had seen those times were her helpless scowls and groans. Today he was glad to see her smile again as if nothing was wrong—her hair blowing away with the wind, dress flowing carelessly around her as she danced. He heard her laugh and saw it on screen—he smiled at the view—she was directly looking at the camera now, and she pointed a finger to motion for him to come to her.

             He shook his head and laughed when she pouted, trying hard to look seductive though her effect on him was that she was a really beautiful girl doing a candid pose, what with all her curly, long, caramel-colored hair framing her face and her yellow, floral dress. Just then, it began to mist—tiny raindrops landed on every grass blade like morning dew. Seconds later the drops became larger, heavier… falling faster. He looked at the screen anxiously, wondering if the rain would be bad for her. She was still having fun—she splashed around, her dress and hair clinging to her, dripping. With her head lifted, and eyes closed, a tiny smile came upon her lips, arms stretching out, and she spun and bloomed through the sudden gloom. Even with the rain, they were both happy and content, with him watching her from the screen, bursting with excitement. He stood there, seeing the love of his life—it was really her, he knew.

            Thrice she blew him a kiss, projecting rather beautifully, caught on cam. He grinned at her from time to time, and a few moments later she’d begin her dance again.

            Suddenly though, she stopped. She faced the camera, her hand flying to her head, baby blue eyes in undeniable pain. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He couldn’t move.

            Slowly—he thought—her body tilted sideward to the ground, one hand tenderly pressed against her temple. He felt as if a bucket of ice water was poured over him, he ran to her, dropping the camera on his way. He knew her dance was the last happy memory her video camera would record as he lifted her into his arms and kissed her forehead.

            Soon enough, he realized why it rained—the sky decided to mourn ahead of him for the loss he didn’t want to feel. 

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