Chapter Fourteen: Trapped

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Gray's eyes widened at the sight of Juvia on the floor in the doorway. He briefly wondered why she had tears in her eyes before he realized that she had heard everything he had said. He knew her, she was probably happy over his words.

But that was not how he wanted to say them at all.

Everything had gone so out of wrack in such a short amount of time.

It was all wrong.

Everything had been perfect, and he had had everything figured out. Until she showed up. Sounding like her, acting like her, but most definitely not her. She put him under some kind of spell, practically trapping him in his own body. Now he couldn't do anything of his own accord, and it was driving him mad.

One glance of Ultear standing in front of him, and he knew it wasn't really her. Not the girl he finally got to meet and respect as his teacher's daughter, instead of an enemy.

No, this woman was made by this world he had somehow managed to wake up in almost three days ago.

This one was made to just get in his way.

And as he saw the wicked smirk grow on her face in front of Juvia, he suddenly feared the worst for her. "Don't you even think about hurting her!"

Ultear didn't even look back at him as she stared down at Juvia. "Oh Gray-sama! Ultear wouldn't ever try and do that! Because you see, she's hurting already. And it's only a matter of time before the poor girl turns into Sea Foam~"

Gray narrowed his eyes as she spoke, then glanced at Juvia only to see that she had sat up and started wincing in pain while grabbing her feet with one hand and wrapping the other around her stomach. "Juvia! What's wrong!?" It looked like her feet had gotten worse all of a sudden and it showed clearly on her face. He didn't know what in this world Ultear was talking about, but it was putting Juvia in pain and Gray was feeling more helpless than ever by being forced to watch.

Ultear started laughing, using Juvia's voice, which sounded nothing like hers at the moment. "Gray-sama doesn't listen very well. Ultear was saying that this girl here-" She pointed towards Juvia, who had started glaring at her. "Is going to turn into Seafoam by sundown!"

Gray gave a shocked expression, but he didn't really believe her. "What..?"

She giggled, watching as Juvia tried to get on her feet, but much like the first time he found her out on the beach, her knees gave out and she crumbled back onto the floor. His heart sank at the fact that he couldn't catch her before she hit the ground. She laughed at the sight. "You see Gray-sama? Today is the third day. This girl's last chance to get Ultear's poor Gray-sama to fall madly in love with her, proving it with a kiss of True Love~" She laughed even harder at the sight of Juvia trying to stand again. "But look at her now! Even with unimaginable pain in her feet, stomach, and no voice to even scream, she's still here trying to get back the old Gray-sama! Oh! How pathetic she is! For the man she's in love with is already getting married to another woman! Now when her chance with the prince is gone, and the sun sets on the final day, she'll return to the sea where she belongs! Hahaha!"

Gray couldn't believe his ears. What kind of messed up world did they really fall into? How much did he not know about it?

His eyes widened as he looked back at the girl his heart really belonged to. She managed to stand by leaning on the doorframe, but her knees were still shaking and though there were tears in her eyes, they were on fire from determination and anger. The two emotions confused him but there were other things on his mind that were being put into place.

Like how much she really knew this whole time.

She knew from day one what was really going on. What would happen if the story didn't really end with 'happily ever after'. That if he didn't except her, she would turn into Seafoam? That she would die? Yet she said nothing. She couldn't say anything, and kept it all to herself.

How much pain she had really been in this whole time. Only acting like it was just a little foot soreness, and nothing more. Just so he didn't have to worry.

How much could have possibly been going through her mind these past three days? What was she thinking right now?

In truth he should have been more worried. He should have noticed what was going on. He should have told her the truth before everything went wrong.

Now look at where they were.

He went to open his mouth, but words crumbled before making it out. What could he say to her, in this situation? His reflection grid his teeth in frustration at himself.

He should have opened up his big mouth for once in his life and spilled his guts before any of this happened. Now without a way to move his own body, while the other girl seemed to be distracted, this seemed like a good time to spill the beans, right?

He glanced at her, guilt heavy in his eyes for all of the times he didn't see the wonderful woman in front of him all along, always sacrificing herself just to protect him.

Just like all of the others.

And he never gave her any attention. At least, not nearly as much as she deserved. Now he had to tell her everything, before he loses this chance.

He went to open his mouth again, this time with confidence, ready to tell her everything she deserved to hear, when suddenly there was a loud bell chime and yelling from above deck as the sailors readied the boat to be sailed.

Ultear turned, using the opportunity to trip Juvia with her foot as she did so, making her fall back to the ground. Gray went to yell but Ultear made his body turn away from the mirror, cutting his only connection he had had with the outside world. He started screaming in his mind as Ultear giggled with Juvia's voice. "Come Gray-sama! We have a wedding to get ready for!~"

Then she walked right past Juvia, who managed to move her own foot enough to trip Ultear, making her stumble slightly. Juvia smirked at the scowl on her face before cringing at the pain in her ankle as Ultear stomped on it before stomping away, Gray's body following her.

Gray tried with everything he had to turn around to go and help her, but nothing worked. All he could do now was watch with horror as he was sent away to get ready and Ultear walked back to Juvia's direction, probably to finish what she had started.

He had to fix this somehow. So he could go and help her, save her, tell her everything she ever wanted him to say. He couldn't let this stupid spell get in the way. He had to protect her.

He couldn't live with himself if he lost her too. 

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