|Chapter 1| Summer beginnings

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"So there's like this church full of Jews right"
You walked at a quick pace beside Richie Tozier the most annoying guy you knew, and your brother. Class had just ended so as you walked briskly beside Richie, Bill and Eddie they began to talk.
"And- and Stan has to take this super Jewy test" Eddie continued
"But how's it work?"Bill asked
"They slice the tip of his dick off."Eddie answered shrugging
"Ewwww too much information! Why do you even know that!"You groaned running your hand through your hair
Eddie Kaspbrak. Otherwise known as Ed or Wheezy, the asthmatic germaphobe you had a crush on.
"But then Stan will have nothing left!"Richie joked
"That's true"Eddie laughed
"Wait up you guys!"Stan pushed his way between Eddie and Bill loudly huffing
"Hey S-Stan what happens at the uh, t-thing anyways? Ed says they slice the tip of you d-d-d-dick off."Bill stuttered
You gagged at the boys as they laughed meeting Eddies eyes for a moment as he smiled, your eyes widening slightly as you blushed turning away.
"Yeah Stan they're gonna pull down your pants, turn to the crowd and say 'where's the beef!'"Richie teased
Stan then corrected them that he would say a speech and 'become a man!'.
"I can think of funner ways to become a man!" Richie sighed
"More fun you mean."
"Richie!" You snapped
"Oh shit"Richie mumbled
You snapped your mouth closed as you walked incredibly close to The Bowers, the whole group looking at you and your friends.
"Do you think they'll sign my yearbook?"Richie joked
You looked back for a moment as they looked at you and Eddie looking back at them, The Bowers snickering as they winked at you.
"Ugh"You groaned
"Hey Richie sorry for taking a hot steamy dump in your-"
You looked to Stan as he stumbled after colliding with someone, someone named Greta.
"-Last month, have a great summer!"Richie finished
You sighed as you passed the school sign watching the boys dump their workbooks into the bin, you keeping yours secretly.
"Best feeling ever"Stan sighed happily
"Yeah try tickling your pickle for the first time"Richie smiled
You groaned.
"Hey what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?"Eddie asked
Your eyes snapped to him immediately.
"Start my training"Richie replied
"W-What training?"Eddie asked
"That's the way you want to spend your summer?" Eddie smiled meeting your eyes before looking back at Richie, "Time in the arcade?"
"Beats spending it inside of your mother"Richie said raising both hands for high fives as he made a 'ohhhh' noise
You rolled your eyes as Stan pulled his hands down.
"What if we go to the quarry?"Stan asked
Eddie shrugged in approval.
"Guys we have the b-b-barrens"Bill cut in
"R-Right"Stan mumbled
You all looked away sadly for a moment.
"It's Betty Ripsom's mum"Eddie mumbled sadly
"Is she really expecting to see her come out of school?"
"I don't know, it's as if Betty Ripsom's been hiding in homework for the last few weeks"
"You think they'll actually find her?"Stan asked
"Richie shhh"you mumbled looking to Bill
"In a ditch all decomposed covered in worms and maggots smelling like Eddies mums underwear"Richie finished
"Shut up that's disgusting"Eddie mumbled
"Richie I told you to be quiet!"You grumbled
"She's not dead she's M-m-m-m-missing"Bill corrected Richie
"Sorry Bill she's missing"
"See I told you"you hissed
Everyone became awkward until Richie began to walk along.
"You know the barrens aren't that bad, who doesn't love to splash around in shitty water?"He said to get rid of the silence
You looked back in annoyance walking beside Eddie to see a hand grab Richie's bag as Henry yanked him back into Stan knocking them both down.
"Nice frisbee lamer"
"Give it back"Stan mumbled
"Fucking losers"
You looked down as the frisbee flew into a passing bus before another one of the Bowers gang burped into Eddies ear as he walked away.
"You S-S-S-uck Bowers!"Bill yelled
"Shut up Bill"Eddie whispered
And as they turned around you knew that today would be the worst end of school day yet.

-Chapter 1-
Word count: 722
Date Written: 5-11-17
I needed to finish it it was too long lmao

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