Hello Again

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I sat on the second floor of the cramped bar like I did every year on this date for the last twenty years. I ordered the same bottles of beer that I had the night that I met Lina. The people and music had changed, but the building hadn't. It still had the same old broken window in the back where someone had hit a billiard ball into, it had the same ridiculous amount of drama between its lesbian patrons, and the hardwood flooring that was practically caved in from the amount of people that it held. I was going to miss this place.

The owners were going to close it down and this particular day was going to be the last day it was open before they demolished it. I nearly cried when the bartender told me, but over the years, I had learned how to keep feelings I had about Lina suppressed behind a stoic mask. According to some of my friends, I hardly ever smiled anymore, but then again there was nothing to smile about.

I watched women of all sizes and shapes mesh their bodies into one another while horrid pop music bursted through the speakers. As I was people watching, the bartender slid me another beer from behind the counter where brightly lit shelves of alcohol shined. I curiously looked at the green and black mohawk and the facial piercings on her.

"That one over there," she hunched over the bar and pointed to a young woman in the corner before she continued with a smirk, "bought you a drink."

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "I bet it was some sort of childish dare."

The bartender laughed and shrugged, "A beer is a beer my dear."

I turned my attention to the young woman and tipped the bottleneck of my beer towards her with a brittle smile.

A minute later, the tanned woman walked over with an exaggerated sway in her hips that was enunciated with the tight fit of her blue jeans and the open plaid shirt that followed behind her. I think the youngsters call it swag. Puzzled, I looked her over. Her straight black hair fell over her shoulders and down to her midback. Her eyes ran across my body with a mild interest like she were playing a game.

"Hello I'm Angel," she grinned widely, showing off her high cheekbones and heart-shaped face.

"Hi Angel, I'm Jen. I responded slowly just to be cautious. What does this she want with me?

Without asking, she hopped onto the stool next to mine and hollered to the bartender, "Can I get a martini with a black olive instead?"

The spikes shook in the form of a nod as the drink was made. Meanwhile, I was totally confused as to how to go about a conversation with someone who looked half my age.

"I only knew one other person that drank martinis with a black olive," I said.

The younger woman crossed her arms and batted her eyelashes before she shifted her body back and tilted her wide forehead towards me, "Well, I'm the first to invent it."

I laughed at the absurdness of her comment. Lina was the only person I'd known that drank martinis with a black olive. Actually, I found it kind of odd that this woman also did the same. However, unlike Lina, this woman was completely full of herself.

"Uh huh..." I nodded slowly and took a sip of my beer, secretly smiling to myself.

She grabbed the drink to swished the little olive around and then looked up at me, "Did anyone ever tell you that your voice sounds like Shane from the L Word?"

"I've been told," I chuckled.

"I'd totally fuck her," her smirk turned into a smile as she watched my eyes widen at her candidness.

"I-" I choked on my beer and coughed into my hand as it stung the inside of my nose.

She continued on as if we were having an absolutely normal conversation, "I'd say you're cooler though. I really like your nerdy outfit."

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