The vessel

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The vessel

There is a place.

across the sea where the air is cool and the trees greener than purest of emeralds sway in unison.

There is place.

Never seen a place so serene. It's full of life and tranquility and yet not a soul hangs around, just the lingering words full of sorrow, helplessness and regret that they must let go of.

There is place

The sky is clear. There's nowhere for the sun to hide its completely and utterly exposed for what it is. Bright, beautiful, and when you stare to long it'll pierce your eyes. It leaves an everlasting impression.

There is a place.

Across the ways. It's mesmerizing and life changing in the most unimaginable ways. Thinking about it in itself is an indescribable, unexplainable great sensation. You want to absorb every ounce of the feeling.

There is a vessel

That is cold and though it sails to the peaceful evergreen, the journey is long and treacherous. There is fear that frightens the bones of every passenger, and often lost souls jump off in trepidation of what their destiny at the special place may entail

There is a vessel

And in order to board you must let go of all the baggage our nimble hands cling tight to.

There is a vessel

I cannot board.

And there is a place

I will never know of.

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