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He appeared delicate on the outside, bones so frail, as if he were made of porcelain. Wrinkles took up a little more than half his face with bags under his brown eyes that filled with worries and years of secrets. The weather was eerie, wind whisked by howling under the mysterious moon. The streets were very well alive as many people trotted past him as if he were transparent, bumping shoulders.

"Please! Someone! Anyone help me," the old man pleaded as he grasped onto a woman's shirt shaking her body crying for help. She, however, payed no attention to the small whimpers coming from his quivering lips.

"Where am I? Help me? I beg of you," he ran to another pedestrian once more grasping onto the grown man's cotton shirt. The older gentleman looked into the man's eyes but the guy looked straight through oblivious to the words spoken. Stumbling away, the man mumbled under his breath as his chest heaved. Am I dead? He questioned his sanity feeling dizzy and numb throughout his body.

Within a moment the streets were cleared. He stood alone under the dark sky with only a single lamp post to light his surroundings. The gentlemen turned his head left then quickly right scanning for anyone in sight.

"Ivan Dax," a hushed tone whispered around him as if it were the wind speaking to him.

"Who's there? Where are you? Show yourself!" The old man searched through the dark roads but not a single soul remained, or so he thought.

"Ivan Dax I am the highest spirit, the supreme entity, I am just a mere soul living in everything," the voice was masculine yet uncanny sending shivers down Mr. Dax's spine.

"I don't believe you! Where am I?" He continued to search through the darkness to put a face to the voice.

"Mr. Dax please," the voice paused for a moment as did the wind then both continued simultaneously. "I am the wind as well as the trees. I am the flowers that blossom yet I am also the sun and the water that nourishes them. I'm the grass yet I am also the animals that eat it and the animals that eat them. I am in everything yet nothing almost like a guide if you will. And you, Ivan Dax, are here yet nowhere." The spirit's voice hushed waiting for a response.

"So you're God? And this is purgatory?" The old man's voice shook and hands trembled at the words of the entity.

"No. I am the soul that lives within any and everything. Every single thing on earth has a part of me and a part of themselves within them. But yes this is purgatory road if that's how you wish to view it." The masculine voice ceased. Then Mr. Dax was nowhere. The streets disappeared, the lamp post and the buildings were no more.

"You have done some ghastly, sickening things in your life time and sadly you are not the first of your kind to pass by here," the voice whispered startling Mr .Dax then continuing. "You are a murderer. Ivan Dax you have murdered twelve people. Three of them being children, four teenagers, and five adults. You have been feeding this disgusting urge for years and now you will decide your fate," the spirit swished by Mr. Dax rustling his hair.

"So I choose my fate in heaven or hell?" He nervously questioned the supreme entity reminiscing back on his killings which brought much pleasure to the old man.

"Not exactly," the voice became hushed once more. "There is no heaven only hell and reincarnation. You see each evil soul chooses their own path of the two. I cannot just send all souls to hell. Each much choose their own fate. We do this to give souls like you chances to redeem yourselves eventually all evil souls will end up in the underworld while the rest live in peace and harmony."

"Is it just murders?"

"No the option for the underworld is available to any living soul who chooses to not appreciate or are unaware of their surroundings. The ones who are blind to the truths and secrets of the world and what it is becoming. The ones who do not wish to help and are caught up in the lies."

"I understand. How do I choose my fate?" Mr. Dax asked anxiously waiting for the wind to pick up again.

"Ahead lay two paths." Out of nowhere two roads rested in front of him both identical in every way. From the colors and patterns of the road to the way the tree branches swayed at the words of the mighty soul. Mr. Dax's heart beat begin to pick up. His hands trembled with fear while sweat dripped down his neck, he understood.

"Choose one." Was all the entity whispered. Ivan took a step forward then stopped dead in his tracks. He eyed them both examining with caution, hesitant to step onto a path.

"CHOOSE!" The spirit boomed pushing him to make a hasty decision. He trudged down the left path immediately regretting it. As he walked the road faded into dark stillness and soon he felt himself tumbling in a spiraling pattern.

"Your fate has been chosen," the spirit whispered to Mr.Dax. The spirit simmered into the mysterious night, casting an astounding almost mystifying breeze silently leaving its mark in the vague darkness.

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