Suicide Squad

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**No Spoilers** (For the new comers) ;)

Okay, just saw this movie yesterday and I swear I've never been more happy.

1. THE SOUNDTRACK: Like, Heller, this music is freaking awesome! I love it!

2. HARLEY QUINN: This bad chick is the shiz nit to the! She may be crazy but, what's wrong with crazy?! Not to mention her look,one word, bad.

3.THE JOKER: I personally think The Joker was amazing! The laugh gave me chills! So good! Not to mention the looks, dangggg!!!

4. PUDDIN' SHIP: The relationship is adorable!  I love love love it! P+H!

5. THE CHILLS: The bad vibe and the amazing mischief. It gives me a feeling like I want to go rob a bank! Gotham City should really be real! Where my Joker? ;)


If you could be anyone, boy or girl, who would it be?

(My answer) Joker

Would you be in the Suicide Squad if you were a villain?

Maybe, possibly.

If you had "powers" would they be used for good or evil?

Evil ♥

~I can assure you I'm not crazy~
{Actually I don't know if I'm crazy, I haven't had it tested}

I prolly am...tbh...

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