Fighting for whats right

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Why do people hate "screamo"? And I'm calling it this because when I say "rock" people think of queen, AcDc, and crap like that. No, I'm taking about Asking Alexandria, Peirce the Veil, My Chemical Romance, Black veil brides. The bands that save lives everyday.

How in the world is pop better than this?

How is pop accepted music when all they talk about is intercourse, girls , and money. How about listening to music that these people have been through stuff like depression, anxiety, and many more and they have went through it and made a living?

How about listening to these people that tell you that your beautiful, that its okay to be sad, that in a world like this-you still matter?

I'm tired of people saying rock is crap. No, this music isn't made for people that are emo, goth, or any name made up for us. No, this music is made for people that are tired of your crap.

Now how about you take a second and listen to these bands and tell me you can't relate.

People should be able to listen to whatever they want without being judged. People have opinions, and guess what, YOURS DOESNT MATTER!

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