2 Sides of the Rainbow

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The rainbow represents happiness right?

Red- Red shot eyes after whom cried for hours and hours

Orange- The leaves crunching beneath their feet as the run away from home to find a better place

Yellow- The sunlight that comes in and alarms them up after a sleepless night

Green- The grass that they lay in at night stairing up at the peaceful stars wishing about peace

Blue- Their tears. The tears they cry non-stop. The tears that shows everyone every emotion the other feels.

Purple- Underneath their eyes. Symbolizing the pain. The sleepless nights and less eating.

Everything has a dark side. Everything has another side. Not everything is happy and lollipops. There is darkness too. But then again, there is always hope. You just have to look at the other side of the rainbow. It may not show at first, but you have to step in a certain light. You have to get up and find it. You have to have hope that you will find it. When you do, it is the most beautiful thing you can ever see.

Be optimistic.

Be hopeful.

Stay strong.

Stay Alive, Fren. Your rainbow is near.


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