Chapter 13

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I apologize about the confusion yesterday guys! Chapter 13 was never completed when it was published. Having the Save and Publish button right beside each other was not the best idea. Sorry if a lot of you were hoping for an update yesterday. That was my fault. 


"Mom, I'm home from school!" Lyza drops her bag onto the floor beside her shoes and smiles when she sees her mom walking out of the kitchen. 

"How was school darling?"

"Great! Trinity aced the exam that was given to us today, and we're working on a project together. I'm so glad that she's here." Lana nods her head then kneels down to her daughter's height.

"Sweetie, you do know that she can't stay here, right? She needs to be home with her dad and uncles. The family that truly cares about her." Lyza sighs deeply and lowers her head. 

"How much longer are we going to keep this secret mom? It's killing me inside to not tell anyone. I have to tell someone."

"Elyza Beth, you know better than to tell someone else's secrets. Now, until we figure this out, you are not to tell anyone. Do you understand?" 

"Yes mom."

"Good. Now, go do your homework while I go and fix us dinner." Lyza runs up the stairs while Lana walks into the kitchen to grab everything she needs for dinner. A few minutes into cooking, Lana hears a knock at the door. She wipes her hands quickly before walking over to the front door to see Trinity standing on the other side. She opens the door and gasps at what she sees in front of her. 

"Please help."


"Wait a moment, so you mean to tell me that this person just randomly calls you five years after Trinity leaves, and states that she can help getting her back? Niall, please tell me you didn't go with it." Niall sits across from Liam, and rests his head in his hands. It's the fourth time he's heard this lecture this week. 

"Li, I've already heard this exact same thing from the others. Can you please not lecture me and listen for a minute so I can explain?" Liam nods his head. "She said that Trinity gave her my number. At first I didn't believe her; I'm not that naive. Then she started telling me things that only Trinity would know. I don't know mate, it just feels like she isn't lying to me. I'm trusting her, so can you trust me this time?" Liam sits there for a few long moments just thinking over everything Niall has told him. He knows at this point that Niall is desperate enough to believe anyone if it involves Trinity, but someone has to think logically here. What if she was lying the whole time? What if she isn't who she say she is? They may not be together as a band anymore, but people still try after all this time. After a while, Liam gives Niall one of those 'I'm not sure' sighs, but before Niall can speak, Liam raises his hand. 

"Niall, I know you want to believe her. I know you do, but you have to think about this in my perspective. If she's known Trinity this entire time, why is she waiting until just now to call you? Why now when we could have used that call when she first got there or even  on holidays or birthdays. Why now in the middle of March? Just think for a minute Niall. It doesn't add up." Niall bites at his lip as he thinks about what Liam has said. Of course it's all true. Why didn't she call earlier? Why is she calling now? Niall nods his head in agreement. 

"You're right. How could I have been so blinded and not think? She has to want something out of this." Liam stands from his seat and pats Niall on his shoulder. 

"It's alright mate. You were just being a dad. And speaking of which, I have to be home because I have a play date with Coen here soon. You should stop by sometime. Soph misses you and I know Coen misses his uncle Niall. You need to get out of the house mate. Visit the others. They miss you too." Niall gives Liam a nod with a smile. 

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