Chapter 1

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This is a newly revised version  of Daddy Niall, which means that any comments in the chapters from 2013 or earlier, or simply doesn't make sense with chapter, means it's from my previous horribly written version. So, no worries. I hope you enjoy this as much I have written it .

EDIT: I will be going through the story and fix grammar mistakes or add/drop things I deem not necessary. So I apologize. (11/21/17)


"So Niall, I have recieved word that you are keeping a secret from the fans." Niall looks at the four lads questionably, but they just shrug their shoulders in confusion. "Tell us Niall, who's Trinity?" His eyes wide in surprise.

"What are you talking about?" The interviewer laughs in mock humor.

"You can't lie to us now, we know you know someone named Trinity. Now who is she?" Zayn leans forward so his arms are resting on his knees.

"I think that's enough of this question. Next question, please."

"Oh no. I'm sure everyone here wants to know who Trinity is. Tell us, Niall. Is she a family member of a family member?" Niall shakes his head.

"I have no clue what you are talking about." The interviewer gives him a look.

"Oh but you do." A picture of Niall and Trinity pop up onto the screen, and Niall is able to hear four different gasps as the picture is shown. Niall, noticably, stiffens and the interviewer smiles wickedly. "Someone you know Niall?" Zayn looks over at Niall and his eyes widen.

"Niall? Mate, look at me." He jumps from his chair and kneels in front of Niall. "Nialler, come on mate. Look at me." Niall's breathing begins to quicken. "Niall-"


Niall sits up quickly in bed and gasps for air. Zayn releases a relieved breath. "Niall, you scared the hell out of me mate. What happened?" Niall continues to gasp for air.

"Interview....bad dream....Trinity..." Zayn sits down beside Niall on the bed and rubs his back as he catches his breath. 

"It's alright. It's just a dream. You're okay. Trinity's okay." Zayn pauses. "Well as okay as she can be right now." Niall pulls back.

"What do you mean by that? What happened? Is she alright?" Niall tries to stand but fails.

"She's alright. She came over here to wake you up but you were sleeping. You started to toss and turn then started talking in your sleep. When your breathing quickened she tried to wake you but you didn't wake up. So she grabbed your phone and called me. She was crying, and I got here as soon as I could. She's back in bed now. She'll be better when it's morning." Niall places his head on Zayn's shoulder as the drowsiness hit him again.

"What time is it?" Zayn looks at the clock on the bedside table.

"Half past three in the morning." Niall pulls back once again and looks at Zayn like he is crazy.

"Trinity calls you at half past three in the morning and you answer?" Zayn nods.

"Of course. I have a different ringtone for you apart from everyone else just in case something like this happens. At first I wasn't going to answer, but then I saw that it was three in the morning, and you're always asleep by at least one, so I thought something happened to Trinity. I'm glad I answered, too. She was crying and I couldn't understand her at first then she said you were talking in your sleep, and I know that you only talk in your sleep when you are having a nightmare, so I told Trinity that I was on my way and to not hang up the phone. I got here and she was a right mess. I got her into bed then came over here to get you awake." Niall smiles gratefully at Zayn.

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