Chapter 5 - My Normal Life vs. Avenger Life

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Hey cupcakes! Sorry I haven't updated at all lately! I had pretty much zero connection for most of the summer, and I went back to school already. Basically, life is crazy, but I am trying to get back to writing! Hope you like this!

Jo's pov

Life in the tower is very different from at camp. At camp, almost everyone but the new kids are up super early and have finished their morning training session by seven, getting ready for breakfast. Here, it's almost opposite. The only person who I've seen up at the same time as me, though I don't think he noticed me, was Steve. Everyone else, besides my dad, sleeps in way later. My dad usually doesn't even go to bed until the next morning, usually just falling asleep in his work-space! I end up being awake for hours before anyone else is awake, only pretending to come down around the same time so they won't ask questions. I'm also pretty much the only one who can make anything besides pop-tarts and toast, which is pretty sad for a bunch of adults. I did eventually get a chance to explain to Thor and Loki what was going on, and they promised not to say anything unless I told them it was okay, or the situation called for it.

I really should've expected that there was more to this whole "Avengers" business than just saving the world. Who knew SHIELD created the team? Apparently everyone but me! My dad brought me with him a few days after I came to stay, and I saw one demigod that I actually recognized! Nick Fury, son of Athena. He came around every few years to talk to Chiron and Mr. D, and his siblings of course. That's how I met him. Annie introduced me to him, and they explained the concept of SHIELD to me. He's actually pretty cool if you get to know him away from his job. He managed to get a word with me, and we discussed what to say when the others asked how we knew each other, eventually deciding on just pretending he warmed up to me pretty quickly. His expression when I came in with them, was priceless. He looked like a cod fish!

A week passed and hardly any monsters attacked! A few cranky hellhounds a few blocks away, and that was it! There was so much tech around me, I should have been a beacon to monsters, especially when I was working with Leo on making music on phones safe for demigods. So far, no success at all. He had caught a little hellhound and used it to test whether the thing was working. Yeah, no. Definitely not. I talked with Pipes and the others every few days, keeping them updated on everything in my life, and keeping up on what was happening at camp. Almost all the monsters had disappeared from the forest, causing the games to come to a halt, much to the annoyance of Clarisse. No one really knew what was going on.

Soon after I received that news, Fury decided to enlist me for a small mission. Apparently he wanted a new kid on the team, named Spiderman. Man, Annabeth would hate that one. His real name was Peter Parker, and he got his powers from a radioactive spider bite, and made his own webs, which I thought was insanely cool. I happened to be a fan, but Fury said me being there and being the one to talk to him, he might be more inclined to come along. Why, I don't know, but hey, I finally get to leave the stupid tower! I've been stuck in there since the hellhound incident, when I walked in with a long scratch on my left forearm. Stupid thing just had to shadow-travel right into my blind spot and come out swinging. When everyone asked what happened, I said I got shoved into the side of a rusty dumpster, which caused overprotective dad mode, meaning I didn't get to leave without express permission from the tin can himself. Yay. Honestly, I'm almost looking forward to when he forgets I exist again. He's trying, and I think I'm letting him, but I just can't forgive and forget that quickly, no matter how much I want to. The first few times this sort of thing happened, I instantly forgave him and I was just happy to have my dad back. Then, he forgot, and I got hurt all over again. That kind of thing eventually teaches you a lesson. One you won't forget too quickly. I don't really think it's truly hit him how much he hurt me, not yet at least.

Anyway, we landed in New York after a few minutes, thankfully with little trouble. Avengers plus normal clothing equals no attention. Then again, it would have been easier to get a cab. Every single one of them was completely useless! Even Steve, who would be the first person I would have expected to know what to do! I guess they just walked uphill both ways in his day! I ended up hailing two cabs, and we headed off, my dad asking how I did that.

After about another hour of traffic, we finally arrived at the Parker residence, only my dad and I actually entering the building. We knew he didn't want his aunt knowing about his superhero gig, so dad told his aunt we were just there to offer him an internship. Dad talked to May while I waited for the kid upstairs. That does sound weird, I guess, but Fury had the plan. About twenty minutes later, I heard voices and footsteps on the stairs. Then, the door opened, and a boy who looked about a year older than me walked in. He was pretty cute, with the messy brown hair and big brown eyes. Hey, I can think what I want. He looked around for a moment before his eyes settled on me, and he just stared at me. I smiled, which he returned, seemingly dazed. I chuckled and stepped forward, holding out my hand for him to shake.

"Hi." I said, shaking him out of his trance. "I'm Josephine Stark, but you can call me Jo." He took my hand, giving it a firm shake, running the other through his hair.

"Peter Parker, but you knew that" I chuckled and he flashed a nervous smile. "Wow, um. Sorry, I just... I didn't know Mr. Stark had a daughter." I shrugged.

"Most people don't. I'm usually at boarding school, and I'm not his first topic choice."

"I can't see why." He started, realizing what he said a minute after, blushing. I just smiled slightly, biting my lip. He cleared his throat. "Sorry, uh, what are you guys doing here?" I grinned.

"That is exactly the question I was waiting for." I pulled out a file of pictures we had on him as Spiderman, handing it to him. "Very impressive. And I've gotta say, the web-shooters are genius. And trust me, I know genius. He looked through the pictures, and I could almost see the wheels turning in his head. He was going to lie.

"Sorry, but you've got the wrong guy." he said. Okay, he's a terrible liar. I know toddlers who can lie better than that. "I've only seen the guy a few times, and I'm certainly not him if that's what you think." I smirked at him, laughing, and he stared at me in confusion.

"You, Peter Parker, are quite possibly the worst liar I have ever met."

"No, I really don't know what you're..." He trailed off as I reached behind him, pulling out the costume that was messily tucked behind the clothes hanging up. I raised an eyebrow.

"Halloween?" he tried. I shook my head, smiling at him. He smiled a little himself, rubbing the back of his neck. "Busted."

"Yeah, but don't worry, Pete. Your secret is safe with me. All your aunt needs to know is that you got an internship with my dad. So, what do you say?" He thought for a moment, and then nodded, grinning.

"I'm in."

Beautiful Disaster - PJO/Avengers + OC And Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now