Chapter 3 - Jo's Got Skill

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Hey cupcakes!! I'm so glad you liked my story! I got a lot of positive feedback, and decided to continue it! Hope you like it!!

Natasha's pov

After Jo's outburst, we all looked at Tony. And by looked, I mean glared. We all stood there as he watched her walk down the hall with her bags. When he turned around, he had six angry Avengers looking at him. He looked back at us, confused, and the next thing he said made my blood boil with anger more than anything else he has ever said. And that's saying something.

"What was that all about?" We all stared at him for a moment in silent disbelief. Then, to the others' surprise, I walked up to him and slapped him across the face. "Ow!" No crap. "What was that for?" I glared at him when he said that. How daft and thick can one person be?

"You are ignoring your daughter, Tony! She needs you! She might not act like it, but she actually does want you to care! Stop acting like nothing you do affects others, and actually be her father! You have to fix this before she ends up hating you for the rest of her life!"

"She's never really wanted me around before!"

"How are you this blind? She acted that way to cope with you ignoring her. She knew that you actually paying attention was too good to last, so she pushed you away so she wouldn't be hurt again! I grew up without a father, and that's pretty bad. But she is growing up with her father ignoring her, and that's worse because she knows you and she actually cares! Now, I am going to go talk to Jo, and you are going to get yourself straightened out!" With that, I walked off. Not even Clint has ever seen me that angry before. Tony is very lucky that Jo needs him, or I would've probably kicked his butt for that. First, I walked to Jo's room. All that was in there was her bags. Where else could she have gone? "JARVIS?" I said.

Yes, miss?

"Where's Jo?"

The training room, miss. Would you like me to call her for you?

"No, thank you. I'll go in there myself."

Be careful, miss. She seems to have been wronged by that punching bag.

I walked down the hall as quickly as I could. What was she doing in the training room? When I got there, I saw Jo attacking a punching bag with more force than I would have assumed possible for someone of her size. As I watched, she hit it a few more times, splitting the seams, before landing a kick that broke the metal hook holding it up, sending it to the floor in a pile of sand. Okay, I definitely did not see that coming.

"What'd that poor bag ever do to you?" I asked, walking in. She turned and let out a nervous laugh.

"Sorry, just had to get some anger out, and this was the best thing I could find to hit." I laughed.

"That's fine. That was actually very impressive. How are you holding up?" She sighed, and sat down on one of the benches, starting after I joined her.

"Not too great. It was stupid of me to get my hopes up. I mean, he's never cared before, I don't know why I thought he would now."

"It wasn't stupid. It's natural to want him to care. Just, let him try when he actually does."

"I just hate that I can't stop caring. I can't just stay away!"

"You could."

"No, I really couldn't. It's my fatal flaw, same as one of my friends."

"Fatal flaw?"

"Yeah. Something that could get you killed if you can't control it. Which I have never learned to do. There's a lot of them. Mainly holding grudges, greed, and pride."

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