Eye of Cthulhu

1.1K 16 4

Type - Boss
AI Type - Eye of Cthulhu AI
Damage - 15 / 30
Max Life - 2800/2800 to 3640/3640
Defense - 12
KB Resist - 100%

                                                                                             Tips and Tricks

- Do to the ease of crafting its summoning item and relatively low difficulty, farming the Eye of Cthulhu is one of the more effective ways of making money prior to Hardmode.

- The Eye of Cthulhu will only spawn if you have 10 or more defense. Taking defense-boosting equipment off before sundown can prevent it from spawning randomly.

- It is a good idea to use ranged weapons, like bows, or the Water Bolt.

- The Slime Mount is very effective against it, allowing you to bounce on the boss continuously until it's defeated.

- Using Shurikens can be an easy way to damage the Eye of Cthulhu as they will pierce through the servants and the Eye of Cthulhu and drop back again making it possible to hit the Eye of Cthulhu twice with each Shuriken.

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