War Within

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Adalynn was positively useless.

Stretching lazily upon the cool coverings of her lavishly decorated bed, she sleepily blinked at the morning light shimmering through her gauzy drapes. She had slept much of the morning away already, but remembered somewhere in the fog of sleep that Leonal had briefly checked on her earlier. 

Turning her gaze to her bedside table, her lips curved up in a warm smile as she noted the beautiful rose sitting in a small vase of water.

Her smile split open into a wondrous beam as she rolled over and delicately petted the velvety rose, her mind roiling with cozy and splendid images from last night in the crown prince's company.

She shied away from the reason for her hasty departure, not willing to taint the sweet memories, but her fear spread akin to a poisonous infection and soon, she released a heartbroken sigh as she drew herself wearily up to a sitting position.

It simply wasn't fair, she decided with a petulant frown, as she gently slid out of the snug cocoon of her blankets and into the brisk spring morning air.

Prince Reili had been an object of sheer fascination to her, ever since she had saved his life all those years ago as children. How cruel for the fates to torment her as such by suddenly having him desire her and to have him act upon such desires. Perhaps he was only fascinated with the new lady in town; many of the nobles last night could be heard remarking on how much of her allure was simply due to her mysterious arrival. Even so, he had shown her interest, and despite the way her heart squeezed in warning, she relished the cozy notion.

Crossing the room to her wardrobe, she perused the dresses hung up, searching for the most comfortable one. Her body was too infused with the glow of last night to be motivated for anything other than the mechanical movements born from necessity.

Her hand lingered upon a soft green gown, perfect for the home, and briefly, she wondered what the prince would think of her in such a color.

A scalding blush scoured her cheeks and she hastily searched past the gown as she berated herself for such a thought. What did it matter what the prince thought of her and the color green?

Dark recollections of the palpable fear that had gripped her surfaced in her mind and with great reluctance, she abandoned the rosy memories and examined the troubling reasons why she should utterly crush any chances of a romance with the prince.

She sighed as she drifted back to the green gown and grumbled under her breath as she selected it for the day's wear.

As she undressed, she caught her reflection in the lengthy mirror propped in the corner and grimaced. There, so prominent and dark upon her back, were all the reasons why she could find no happiness with Prince Reili.

"Curse them," she murmured as tears began to gather in her eyes. Twisting over her shoulder, she studied each one, as if she could mentally will them away and forget her heritage.

It had been several years since Leonal had integrated her seamlessly into their home and she knew that she would forever live in their debt for caring about her as passionately as they do, but as she grew into a marriageable young lady, wary fear encapsulated the thankful wonder.

All of the professors brought into the manor had taught her nothing of the Qalaui nation and what little she did glean from her books only remarked upon the eradication of her people, a fact that had her seething each time she saw it. She consumed all of the books in the library, even entreating her tutors to bring as many tomes as they could manage so that she could find even an inkling of her home. 

It was quite obvious she would need much more information and the only place she could think of that could promise her such knowledge would be the impressive Dantu City, the imperial residence of the royal family.

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