Chapter 12 [Zerrie]

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"You are a crazy manipulative son of a bitch!" Perrie yelled at Zayn, pushing him away from her, as she walked up to her flat. She finally realized that it was about time she spend a little time at her own home. Tomorrow she is going to go shopping.

"Oh stop complaining like the little bitch you are. You enjoyed the kiss, and I told you precisely to never enjoy it when I kiss you. You better not fall in love with me." Zayn joked and Perrie entered her flat and shut the door on Zayn's face.

Once Zayn knew Perrie no longer was around he went towards the elevator and the moment he stepped in and pressed on the ground floor button, Zayn started panting slowly and then faster and faster. His heart was beating so hard when he kissed Perrie, that his chest hurt so bad. He pounded his chest full force, trying to control his heart, yet it as still beating like a maniac.

Perrie stood with her back against the door and she slid down, sitting on the floor with her legs extended and her head tilted to the side. She was so confused about what she was feeling towards Zayn. She felt bad that she still wants to carry out her plan against Zayn. But right now all she could think is her.

She dialed Jesy's number and her hand was shaking while she was typing the number on her iPhone. "Jesy, I need you, please come, please. I'm home, please don't leave me alone." Perrie said and after holding it in for so long, she let loose of the tears she was holding back, fall down her cheeks, puffing her eyes. Jesy told her she would be right there in a couple of minutes,

Zayn stumbled out of the elevator tripping on his way out, and the security guard from the building grabbing him. Zayn thanked and ran out of the building. His heart was still beating, he was filled with adrenaline, he wanted to jump up and down, drink non stop and sing at the top of his lungs. He was having a certain feeling but he was not going to face them right now.


"So the kiss was real?" Jesy asked comforting Perrie, and rubbing her back slowly and hugging her friend tightly. Perrie sighed hard for the tenth time. Jesy as been asking the same question not making everything easy on Perrie.

"No, but it felt real. I just want to forget what happened and sleep untill the sun comes down again." Perrie said and went to her bedroom. Her friends felt sorry for the situation she was in.

"It will all be over once Zayn learns to behave himself." Jade reminded her friends to give them hope and be strong for Perrie.

"Let's hope he does change." Leigh said.

The next morning, Perrie was rolling across her bed trying not to wake up. She was tired and she had dreams about what happened the previous day. Zayn's lips felt good against hers, but she wasn't going to confess, specially when Zayn specifically told her not to fall in love with him. Jade came running into Perrie's room. Perrie woke up completely and Jade had a very worried face.

"Jade, what's wrong?" Perrie asked and Jade had to breathe a couple of times before being able to say something. Perrie had to squint her eyes a couple of times because she was still sleepy.

"Zayn...he has done it-" Jade was saying when Leigh burst into the room and pulled Perrie off from bed and dragged her to the living room where the news was playing loud and Jesy was sitting on the couch.

"You guys gotta watch this." Jesy said and Perrie sat down and her friends we all paying attention to the news.

News Reporter: <<"Hours after the announcement of their engagement, One Direction Zayn Malik has proved his ways haven't changed that much. This morning, a certain video has become viral, a hour after it was posted. Last night after Zayn and Perrie Edwards, from Little Mix, had a press conference regarding the news of their engagement, Zayn was caught in a prostitute home where a video of him having paid sex with two of the girls in the club went viral, uploaded by the manager of the brothel home. Zayn was spotted three hours after the video went viral, while driving towards Perrie Edwards building.">>

The reporter kept talking and Perrie's friends were complaining and talking bad about Zayn and Perrie didn't know what to do. When the doorbell rang, she knew it was Zayn and Jesy was about to open the door, but Perrie went instead. When she opened the door, Zayn was on the other side, hiding underneath the hoodie with sunglasses.

"Girls, I need you to go into your rooms, now!" Perrie demanded and her friends did go to their rooms but complaining, because they wanted to hear and watch the conversation. Zayn entered the room afterwards and started walking around the living room and glancing at the news on the screen.

"We must come back with something, I don't know but it has to be real and I ha-" Zayn was cut in the middle of his words, while falling down. His nose was bleeding and his cheek was red. Zayn looked up as he saw Perrie with her fist up in the air. It had come to his senses that Perrie had punched him, way harder than he would expect. "The fuck?"

"Are you stupid or what? I go through so much fucking trouble to make you look like a good guy and improve your image, yet you never change. Are you that selfish? Are you forgetting we are supposedly getting married? Even if it's fake, you fucking jerk, I will look stupid if I 'accept' what you have done. What am I going to say Zayn? That you are sorry? That you apologized? That you won't do it again? Fuck sake's, you are always doing the same shit ad because of you, your fans will think I am dumb for sticking to you through all of this. I fucking hate you, disgusting pig." Perrie said everything that was stuck in her throat. She needed to let him know how she felt.

"Sorry okay, I got out of control." Zayn said that and Perrie puched him again as he was about to stand up and hug her. He sat on the couch, whinning, since Perrie hit him in the same spot. "What are we gonna do?"

"Listen to me, because now I am the fucking boss Zayn. You will do everything I tell you and I will put you in your place. You messed with the wrong bitch Zayn and you are about to taste some scary shit." Perrie warned him. "Now before we proceed, I think you should have some make up on your face. I don't want to go to jail for beating up an asshole like you."

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