Chapter Four

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The next morning while walking in the streets Niall encountered J out of the blue. 

"Oh hi!" J said. She doesn't look as if she was in a hurry so Niall decided to ask if she would want to hang out. She smiles and says "Oh I'd love to!"

*     *     *

As they were walking to the mall Niall couldn't help but ask "Are you really one of the Diamonds?" his curiosity got the best of him and he finally decided to ask J about it. J's eyes widened at what Niall had just blurted out, "Yes..." was the only thing that J was able to say with her head looking down at her feet. All the way to the mall was nothing but silence, they could both feel the awkward tension building up between them but Niall didn't want that. Niall broke the silence by saying "You know it's fine with me if you are, I understand. I just want you to be careful alright?" J suddenly pipes up her head at what Niall said and smiles at him "Thank you Niall! That means a lot. Not a lot of people understand us" J says. Niall just nods. "Oh thank you! Thank You!" J said again happily hugging Niall. Niall being shocked in return but still goes in for the hug.

"Oh and J? About the note you left at the hospital, you were asking for help, but why didn't you ju--" Niall says but gets cut off. "Note? What note?" J says and continued on walking to the mall.

That was weird. She doesn't know about the note? Niall thought to himself. If she didn't write it than who did?

Maybe that's why she was surprised when she saw me at the Sunrise Hotel. If she didn't give me that note then who did? Niall was filled with questions aching to be answered but right now he needs to have fun with J and shrug it off, even only for a little while. 


J and Niall went and ordered some food as soon as they got to the mall since they were both starving. They went to Chipotle and both got a massive burrito. Surprisingly, both of them have the same appetite for food and that made Niall very happy. Niall has a thing for girls who can eat. Niall also ended up buying J a bracelet that had the Irish flag on it to serve as a remembrance for this wonderful day with her at the mall.

After going to the mall they went to a nearby park just a few blocks away. They sat on the swings in the park. They both had such a great time. It's like they were long lost childhood friends, bringing back the old memories.


As they were walking home to J's house, Niall started yet another conversation. "So I had fun today.." Niall said. J replies with "Yeah me too.."

"How come the paps weren't chasing you like crazy?" J asks Niall chuckling a bit.

"Well they haven't found me.. Not yet atleast." Niall says chuckling with her. Then, as if on cue a bunch of paps came running towards Niall and pushing off J to take a picture of him. 

"Niall! Niall! How's your vacation going so far?"
"Niall over here!"
"Niall rumors said that you got married with an old woman here yesterday and staying here for good?"

When Niall was finally out of that stampede of paps. J was again gone, again. She left him again!

On the pavement Niall saw a piece of paper with a J on it. He picked it up and it was a letter from J to him. 

It says: Sorry for leaving all of a sudden again. But meet me at the park at 8pm later this night. See you there! 

No coded letters. And the letter from the hospital and this one does not have the same handwriting.

* * *

Niall was sitting on the park's swing that night waiting for J to arrive. A few minutes later, he sees her wearing a long black overall coat. Similar to the one her dad wore that day when Niall saw them at the Sunrise Hotel. Niall suddenly had a bad feeling in his stomach, he felt like something was terribly off about this setup.

When J spotted Niall at the swing she immediately called after him and brought him inside the limo and asked Kevin to please give them a moment because they had to talk. "I'm sorry mam but I am obliged to never leave Mr. Horan no matter what.." Kevin hesitated to leave and acted all professional. But Niall knew he just wanted to hear what she was about to say. J just shrugged it off and removed her coat revealing a diamond tattoo just by her collar bone.

But there is something pretty unusual about it and that showed on Niall's face which made J say "You see, It's the thirteenth of the month today and every 13th of the month. These tattoos glow. It's making us, the colony, more powerful. And I need your help to take if off my bloodline." J says in a serious tone. "But how in the world can I help? I know nothing about your colony or what they can do to intruders like me" Niall asks. "The only way I can get off this bloodline is to get the rare Sapphire diamond my father keeps very secure in his hands" J pauses as she puts her coat back on. "Tell me how I can help then?" Niall asks. "You'll know what to do... You always do... It's within you Niall, I know it. I can feel it." J said eyeing Niall one last time before she left his limo and disappeared.

"What the hell was that about?" Kevin asks.

How do I know? How would I know that I know? Niall thinks about what J just said to him "You'll know.. You always do.." The words haunted him.

* * *

Oooooh! Creepy glowing tattoo?! I know this story is sooo weird but I kinda like it in some way. I hope you guys do too! I also apologize for making this chapter soooooo short but I'll try to make the other chappies longer! <3 Make sure you VOTE on this one and Comment some ideas for the next chapters too! xx Make sure you don't forget to FAN me if you're a new lookie on my profile :)

Stay Weird, Stay Crazy, Stay YOU! \(^.^)/

(c) Oznapitsbizzle. 2013. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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