chapter nineteen

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Pony and Two bit came and everyone was ready to go. Instead of going to the rumble I was gonna go see Dally. I didn't want to believe it at first that he really might not make it, but now I don't really have a choice. Before we all left Soda came up to me again. "I really am sorry. And I hope Dally makes it. Despite what I said today, it would still suck if he died." He said and then hugged me. "I love you. You don't have to say anything back. I know you don't feel the same." He said as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. "I love you too, just not the same way." It was true. I did love Soda, but as a brother or friend. He nodded his head and walked away.

When I got to the hospital all of the nurses and doctors kept saying he was getting worse, but I know he'll be okay. At least that's what I keep telling myself. When I finally reached his room he was lying in the bed sleeping. I guess he heard me come in, because as soon as I sat down he opened his eyes. "Christy?" he sounded worse than yesterday. "Yeah, I came to see you." The doctor walked in and asked to talk to me. We went out in the hallway. "He's getting really weak..." why do they keep saying this? "...I don't think he can hold on much longer..." no. "...maybe you should say your goodbyes." I lost it. "What? No. No. No. No. No. No!! Dally cant die! He just cant!!" I screamed with tears running down my face. "I'm really sorry. I wish there was more we could do." The doctor gave one more sympathetic look and then left.

I walked back in the room unsure of what to say. "Do you know? I mean, what the doctor has been saying about you?" I asked trying to hold back tears. "Yea, they told me just before you came." He said weakly. "What are we gonna do?" I asked as more tears started streaming down my face. "Nothing. There's nothing we can do. I just want you to know that I love you. You're the only person I have ever loved and cared about. And I don't want you to forget that okay? I love you Christy, I really do." I started crying even harder now. "No! That's not true! We can find you a different doctor! We can...we can, I don't know! All I know is I cant lose you! I love you too much! Please, please! I would do anything to be with you!" I could see in his eyes he couldn't hold on much longer. I kissed him softly on the lips one last time, and watched him take his last breathe. Then I completely lost it. I started crying uncontrollably, then I started walking around the room thinking of what I could do. I looked around and found a knife. My hands wouldn't stop shaking. And that's when I did it. I stabbed myself in the heart. The pain was unbearable but I blocked it out. Because I knew soon I would be with Dallas Winston...

*Alternative ending on next chapter*

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