| Chapter Thirteen : Cliché Cinderella and Prince Drinks-a-lot |

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His lips got closer to mine, I could feel them brushing gently against my lips as he brought his body closer to mine. Our lips didn't fully meet in the exact moment, they kept brushing against each other. It was as if he knew what he was doing, even if he was drunk –wait...is he actually drunk...?

Alex was playing with me, he was messing with my feelings. And I knew it all too well. He loved to do that, that's all he's been doing, but now... It's totally different. My breath grew shaky, the lump in my throat grew. My heart pumped blood faster than a rabbit's heart could.

I just wanted this over with, but at the same time, I never wanted it to stop. He knew his game too well, he knew what a girl wanted, what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. But I could play at this game too; I mean, I did start it after all, didn't I?

I wasn't about to be "checkmated", no, no, I was going to win this. I was at least going to put effort into it, saying I tried. Maybe he could turn around, maybe his playboy life would do a back flip and change. As I was thinking to myself, Alex kept brusing his lips against mine; trying to tease me, when really, I could tell he was teased to the extreme.

I frowned a bit and lowered my head, looking down at the floor as he kissed my forehead gruffly. I fluttered my eyes shut for a split second before my eyelids opened quickly and I looked back up, only to have accidentally – and awkwardly on my side – smashed our lips together. Alex smirked to himself as he began kissing me, tenderly, but with a small hint of passion and gentleness. The lump in my throat grew bigger, not allowing me to swallow. But then I felt my eyes close again. My hands clenched into fists, but Alex pinned me to the wall. His body basically on top of mine as he kissed me; not shoving his tongue down my throat... Or for that matter, shoving it into my mouth... But just kissing me.

Soon my body went limp. I didn't want to do this, but at the same time I did. The warmth spread over me like a hot summer day. My head tingled and buzzed as my hands slowly unclenched. I knew he was winning me over with this moment, yet somehow I was enjoying it. Before I could realize, I started hesitantly kissing him back. The anxiety and fear rushed past me, the hatred dissolved for a second. Time ticked to a halt.

Suddenly the gears started clicking again and my eyes flung open as Alex slowly lost his grip on my wrists. I stopped kissing him abruptly.

"Mmm...babe..." Alex softly groaned, angered by my stopping.

I took the moment and shoved him away, tears of anger and fright taking over my eyes and blurring my vision slightly as I blurted out in a growl almost, "I told you not to call me that!"

His snicker returned as I shook my head in a jerking manor and bit my lip, standing there. Staring.

Before I knew it my feet directed me away, running past all of the people and crowd. My slight high heeled shoe flew off as I dashed away. Cliché, Disney princess moment, anyone?

I heard a faint voice call after me, but it only made my legs pump faster, my adrenalin rising as the lump formed again. I ran as fast as my lazy, out of shape legs could take me.

I crossed the street, not caring what color light the traffic lights glared off. I just wanted to go home. And that's where I planned to go to.

Why I ran away, I did not know. Maybe the surprise of it all scared me, maybe knowing I just kissed someone again on the lips pained me, maybe... Maybe... Oh, I don't know!

I ran up the steps, gripping onto the other high heel and ran through the door, up more stairs, and into my room. Once I shut and locked my door, my legs gave out. The blood being pumped through me almost went too fast, numbing me. My legs trembled from all that running - one thing's for sure, if my Phys Ed teacher could have seen that...boy, oh boy.

I sat there on the floor, panting like a dehydrated dog as the feeling slowly regained in my legs and was replaced with a tingling, paining feeling. I dragged myself across the floor and heaved myself up onto my bed. Honestly, if my P.E. teacher could see this, maybe I could have a better grade.

I laid on my bed, thoughts pumping through my skull as my heart pumped faster.

Alex and I kissed.

I haven't kissed anyone in years!

Alex and I kissed...

And somehow, in that jumbled pile of a mess, my brain took action and told a few butterflies to flutter about my stomach. My brain also told warmth to spread across my body... Why? Why do I have to enjoy moments now? What is going on? Do I miss having a partner that much?

My breathing grew heavier again as I thought of all the possibilities, but one thing always flew back into my mind.

Alex was growing on me.

That arrogant idiot was slowly – but surely – growing on me. His charms were catching my attention more and more, his stupid little remarks made me smile, and his texts... Whenever he replies, a little jolt of joy spreads across me and makes me grin.

I can't take this anymore.

The feelings are growing, but if I admit it for real... I'll have lost my own game.

My head hurt from all the thinking, all the adrenalin rushing through my veins, and the thought of Alex starting to grow on me.

Soon before I knew it, the heaviness of my eyelids started to flutter. They clumped over my blood-shot, dried out eyes and darkness crept over me. The feeling of being in bed and closing my eyes made me feel better.

Granted I was too tired and lazy to change into my pajamas so the dress was annoying, but I felt... Felt like something was comforting me. The warmth that covered my body was not all in happiness or excitement, but almost... Regret.

I kissed Alex, when he was drunk. I basically had my first kiss with Alex; a drunk Alex. The "perfect moment" it could have been... Was ruined with his drunken state. Somehow I wanted to re-do that kiss. Somehow I wanted it to mean more.

I wanted to see how he'd take it, how it'd feel. If any chemistry happened, or if he was in fact a dud of a human being and I honestly had no feelings for him.

But that reminds me, I actually do have feelings starting to form. His cheesy little smirk grows on you, and on the rare occasions he smiles... It makes me want to smile.

It sounds cheesy as crap and cliché, I know, I know... But... It's all true. The cliché fairy tale world romance books are growing on me and making my reality a...human book. That, or I'm completely going insane.

Yeah, I should visit a therapist, and go in a mental hospital. I know.


The last thing I remember was talking to myself, then everything grew blurry. Next thing I know, I'm still talking to myself, and my alarm blares off waking me up.


Typical, Joce.

I sat up, yawning and stretching, feeling itchy and uncomfortable, so like any normal person, I reached for my side that was itchy and started to scratch the side of my stomach/near my rib... But then squeaked and jumped up, basically tripping over myself and falling face first onto the floor.

Then I remembered.

Party, Cinderella, Prince Drinks-a-lot... Ah, yes, all coming back to me now.

I pushed myself up and went straight towards my dresser, picking out my outfit for the day. I walked towards my little bathroom and shut the door. I did a little dance to get out of my princess suit and hopped into the luke warm water.

After I was done getting clean, I stepped out and dried myself off then wrapped up in a towel, my wet hair dripping off and sliding down my back. I looked in the fogged up mirror and brushed my teeth then unfogged it and put some makeup on.

You know what happens next, so why tell you?

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